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Sunday, March 2, 2025

NGC Bocas Lit Fest hosts media launch



The me­dia launch of the NGC Bo­cas Lit Fest 2015, to be held next month, took place at Nalis, Port-of-Spain, on Wednes­day.

This is the fes­ti­val's fifth year and it brings to­geth­er read­ers and writ­ers from T&T, the Caribbean and the wider world for five days of read­ing, per­for­mances, work­shops, dis­cus­sions and film screen­ings.

Ma­ri­na Sa­landy-Brown, fes­ti­val founder/di­rec­tor of the NGC Bo­cas Lit Fest, told guests the fes­ti­val al­so in­cludes a full pro­gramme of ac­tiv­i­ties for younger read­ers–The NGC Chil­dren's Bo­cas Lit Fest.

She said there will be a month-long sto­ry­telling car­a­van around the coun­try on Sat­ur­days through­out next month, with read­ings, cre­ative writ­ing work­shops and per­for­mances by child au­thors, along­side the main five-day fes­ti­val.

The NGC Bo­cas Lit Fest takes place at the Na­tion­al Li­brary and the ad­join­ing Old Fire Sta­tion in down­town Port-of-Spain.

Among oth­er speak­ers at the launch were Wyn­da Chan­dler, head com­mu­ni­ty re­la­tions, NGC; Sharon Christo­pher, deputy CEO�cor­po­rate ad­min­is­tra­tion, First Cit­i­zens; Gre­go­ry Came­jo, group ex­ec­u­tive�cor­po­rate ser­vices, One Caribbean Me­dia Ltd; Don­na Hall-Comis­siong of the Na­tion­al Her­itage Li­brary and Dr Bhoen­dra­datt Tewarie, Min­is­ter of Plan­ning and Sus­tain­able De­vel­op­ment.

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