Anyone who didn't find comedian John Oliver's routine on Jack Warner funny is either racist, or dumb, or lacks a sense of humour. And I'm being tactful in saying that, since they're probably all three.
But why do Trini men make passes at women by saying "family"? Do they want to have sex with their cousins?
If you haven't seen Oliver's bit, you can find it here:
People with below-average IQs are more likely to be racist and to think knock-knock jokes are the height of humour.
It is not coincidental that, with the sole exception of Rachel Price and Dennis 'Sprangalang' Hall, Trinidad's comedy shows feature people who tell jokes, rather than doing stand-up routines. As American comedian Lisa Lampanelli noted in the documentary The Aristocrats about the world's dirtiest joke: "You don't do joke jokes on stage, ever, that's the total kiss of death, because you're viewed as a big old hack."
And why do Trinis on Facebook think other people want to know what they had for breakfast? What does it say about you that you take photos of your food? Especially when your food looks better than your selfie?
In her how-to book Stand-Up Comedy, comedian Judy Carter, who specialises in corporate gigs, writes: "Being funny has nothing to do with being weird or outrageous...Acting stupid might be funny if you're performing for five year olds, but kindergarten gigs don't come along too often and the pay is lousy."
In Trinidad, however, laugh festivals featuring men dressed in drag and midgets play for weeks at sold-out venues: so maybe this indicates the maturity level of the average Trini.
You know why they call it a Wonder Bra? Because it makes you wonder if those are real. Similarly, we now have the Ponder Panty.
People who didn't find Oliver funny dismissed him as mocking us, arguing that he was a colonialist racist. But, challenged to say where in Oliver's routine he insulted Trinidad, they either had no answer or pointed to him trying to use Trini slang when he said: "I have actually Googled some Trinidadian slangs to help me get my message across so um, um. 'Family watch me for a minute nah!' 'What's the scene?' 'I know you getting tabanca right now.' I'll just pause for a second to allow the people of Trinidad to laugh at the whitest person who ever lived attempting to speak Trini, and instead sounding real dotish, ent?"
My favourite comedian, Stewart Lee, in his transcript/book How I Escaped my Certain Fate explains why he uses Scots terms when performing for Scottish audiences. In a bit about the film Braveheart directed by "the reactionary Catholic bigot Mel Gibson," as he puts it, Stewart riffs about love letters between Braveheart and Robert the Bruce being found in a nook at Glamis Castle by a broch in the Orkneys. And, in his note on this bit, Stewart explains: "One way of avoiding the ire of the people you are mocking is to refuse them the easy option of assuming you are ignorant by including within the abuse some detail or turn of phrase that shows you are in fact fully acquainted with their culture, nation, faith or city and so presumably have made a positive choice to denigrate it from a position of strength, rather than by dint of just not knowing anything about it in the first place."
Which reminds me: if you buy Scotch tape, appoint a designated wrapper.
This is what Oliver did by incorporating Trini slang into his bit. But commentators, feeling comfortable enough to deconstruct his act without actually knowing anything about how comedy works, missed this point. Moreover, to argue that his insult was an insult could only be true if the insult wasn't true. (Read the sentence again, it's really profound.)
And, since it's Eid Mubarak, I'd like to know why Muslims find it necessary to disturb entire neighbourhoods at 5 am with amplified prayers. Did the Prophet Muhammad have a microphone in 643 AD? Does the Qu'ran say Thou shalt call all the faithful to prayer with Bose hifi speakers?
In the book Inside Jokes, philosopher Daniel Dennett and two other guys make the point that "putting someone down by humorously demonstrating an infirmity in their cognitive capacities efficiently makes the humorist and the addressed audience look superior in comparison." So those Trinis who were offended by Oliver mocking Jack were tacitly admitting that they have the same ethical standards as Jack.
James Covey's Seven Secrets of Highly Successful People has sold millions of copies. Maybe it's time to change the title.
Dennett and the other two guys note that jokes are "sophisticated logical mechanisms that somehow cause a concealed false belief to become apparent...Since humour is hard to fake, both in the creating and the (suppression of) appreciation, it is particularly valuable as a litmus test not just for intelligence but for enduring personality traits, hidden loyalties, and socially crucial attitudes and beliefs."
And finally, studies show that, compared to heterosexual couples and gay men, lesbians have the least amount of sex. That seems a real waste of lesbianism.
Kevin Baldeosingh in a professional writer, author of three novels, and co-author of a history textbook.