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Sunday, March 23, 2025

UWI Freshers Fete a disappointment



For the first time, this year I opt­ed to at­tend the an­nu­al Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies Fresh­ers Fete which was sched­uled for the Fri­day of the first week of school and was host­ed by the UWI Guild Com­mit­tee.Ear­ly tick­ets were sold for $60, then $80. At the door I heard it was ac­tu­al­ly be­tween $100-$200. The fete was sup­posed to be from 9 pm-3 am and was held at UWI com­pound.

Ap­par­ent­ly the or­gan­is­ers did not think to get per­mits or per­mis­sion and as a re­sult they had to stop the fete ear­ly–I think around mid­night. Pa­trons were left won­der­ing what was hap­pen­ing for a good while be­fore some­body said the fete will con­tin­ue at a sports bar out­side UWI, and that there would be un­lim­it­ed drinks.Pa­trons now had to walk that hour of the morn­ing to the change of venue. I went still to see if I could have got my mon­ey's worth there be­cause I sure did not get it be­fore.

It soon be­came ap­par­ent the new lo­ca­tion did not cater for so many peo­ple. I, along with many peo­ple, re­ceived no drinks. The place was small and as such was over­crowd­ed. I left around 1 am.

Pri­or to the on­line Event Page be­ing delet­ed many peo­ple had ex­pressed their dis­plea­sure at the event and asked for re­funds. I de­mand­ed my mon­ey back but they re­fused to oblige. I be­lieve my re­quest for a re­fund was jus­ti­fied since what they ad­ver­tised was not pro­vid­ed, the venue change was in­ad­e­quate plus it was an in­con­ve­nience. I did not get my mon­ey's worth.

Lynette White,

via e-mail

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