Technology is having a positively disruptive impact on classrooms around the world. It is being fuelled by the functionality and affordability of consumer-friendly devices and the increasing accessibility of digital content, particularly via Internet. It is clear that the education sector, ready or not, is experiencing its version of the technology revolution.
The Changing Face of Education
As part of my responsibility as Chief Knowledge Officer at Congress WBN, I spend a significant amount of time researching and developing models for using technology in education. Congress WBN is an international non-profit organization. We operate schools and other education initiatives in countries across the world as diverse the U.S., U.K., Kenya, Zambia, New Zealand and the Caribbean. In this context, positions about what is the best technology are always relative.
Decisions can range from "what are the best mobile apps or tablets for the classroom?" to "do we really need to clutter the learning environment with technology?" Smartphones, smart-boards, tablets and flat-panel TVs in the class are real options in some places; but not so much in other parts of the world where the cost of acquiring and maintaining high-tech gear is simply beyond the reach of schools and students.
In this diverse spread of needs and wants, there is consensus on one thing: Technology is changing the face and nature of education, and schools and educators need to adapt. Yet, for every success story, there seem to be more examples of failed implementations.
Well intended laptops-in-schools programs, or tablets-in-the-class initiatives morph into money-down-the-drain, or frustration-in-the-class outcomes. However, the technology per se, is seldom the cause for broken technology-in-education dreams. I usually do not have to scratch too deeply to find that failures can be traced to: teachers not being properly oriented or trained; schools not being adequately outfitted, location inappropriate technology being deployed; or relevant digital content not available. A scratch deeper typically reveals that leaders did not sufficiently invest in connecting the dots between vision and implementation.
The Technology Imperative
There is, it seems, a disconnect between the promise of education technology in theory and manifestation of its potential in the real world. This disconnect may well have to do with the outmoded way success in education is still measured. Exam results not holistic student development, remain the primary measure of education success.
It should come as no surprise then, that the education sector's response to the disruptive potential of technology is more akin to the public service than it is to the private sector.
Adam Webster, a U.K. teacher and education technology blogger got it right when he wrote, "The problem with the real world is that it functions at a different pace and in a different way to a school. Schools don't need to be progressive to be successful, they simply need to produce good results."
The private sector understands that innovation, efficiency and adaptability are not options, they are imperatives. Survival in today's global marketplace mandates use of technology to remain competitive and relevant. By contrast, learning institutions seem to function under some unwritten code that obligates them to maintain stability and predictability. Therein lies the inherent challenge with technology in education.
Students are graduating into a world in which technology is inextricable woven into the evolving fabric of society. Yet, under current education models, good exam results seldom require innovation, or creativity, or technology. So unless the definition of relevant knowledge and learning is changed, educators have no real incentive to make the sweeping changes required to evolve the education system.
Schools and countries must ask "Is our education system adequately preparing students for the real world?" A negative response should not be taken as an indictment, but as a mandate for decisive action.
Evolving the System
It is a question we constantly ask in our schools and challenge ourselves to respond to. Ultimately, technology should be embraced because it serves the need to provide a quality learning environment. Examples at home and abroad prove that technology can transform how education content is delivered; engaging students, teachers and parents in interesting new ways in the process.
Video-conferencing software can used in the class to link students with their counterparts in other countries. Multimedia libraries can be populated with local as well as international content to supplement the curriculum and extra-curricular activity. Parents can use smartphones, tablets or computers to login to an online system to review their child's progress and interact with subject teachers. Students can access the Internet on their own devices for research, international collaborations or even for games and social networking � just like they would in the world they are being prepared for.
Still, caution is required. Real risks attend the benefits of technology in schools. Safeguards to protect users from inappropriate content have to be put in place and constantly assessed. Responsible use of technology should be communicated to students across subject areas. Additionally, strong emphasis should be placed on ongoing education technology training for teachers as well as parents. It is also important that students be taught to value digital content creation, as a counter-balance to their natural inclination for content consumption. Schools should also cater for building internal technical troubleshooting and maintenance capacity to support student and staff needs. In so doing, the system evolves to serve the technology-driven demands of education in the digital age.
Navigating the Future
The truth is, though, technology has been changing education for millennia: from slates, chalkboards, fountain pens and calculators, to laptops, multimedia projectors and touch-screen devices. Through every transition there was opposition; yet with every transition the nature of education evolved.
Today we are at another transition point, and if we have learnt anything from the past it is that leadership, not technology, will determine how well and how quickly we navigate to the inevitable technology-driven education system of the future.
See also:
Rethinking education Business and learning in the Digital Age
Technology-enabled learning for the Digital Age
Designing Connected Classrooms
Bevil Wooding is the Chief Knowledge Office of Congress WBN (, a values-based international non-profit, which operates NorthGate College in Trinidad and Tobago and education initiatives globally; He is also the Executive Director of BrightPath Foundation, an education-technology non-profit ( Follow on Twitter: @bevilwooding or at: or contact via email at