The Printing and Packaging Industry Council (PPIC), a Cabinet appointed committee under the purview of the Ministry of Trade, recently engaged in a series of training sessions in collaboration with the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) facilitated by industry experts.Since their start of the training courses in May two courses have been successfully completed.The Introduction to Digital Printing course was held May 4–June 15 and facilitated by AA Grafix Ltd.
It entailed classroom sessions as well as site visits to local printing companies such as Scrip-J Printers Ltd and AA Grafix where participants were exposed to a hands-on view of both conventional and digital printing presses and various finishing equipment.
The second course, The Fundamentals of Printing, was held on June 22 was facilitated by Hilton Francis. Participants were given a basic introduction to offset printing to pique their interest in the printing industry and to highlight the scope and opportunities available. A total of 46 people have benefited from the courses to date.
The training interventions arose from an industry analysis and skills foresight report commissioned by the PPIC which revealed a major deficiency in the workforce skills in the printing and packaging industry in T&T.This signaled a critical and immediate need to educate and equip the current and upcoming workforce in the industry with the relevant and required skills and competencies to create a more efficient industry.
The PPIC is responsible for overall development and growth of the sector. Currently, there are approximately 272 firms in the printing and packaging industry which is integral to many other industries such as food and beverage, tourism and agriculture.Future courses for print and packaging will be offered at the UTT.Speaking at a presentation ceremony at Nicholas Towers yesterday, Dr Clayton Najab, chairman of PPIC, commended Scrip J and AA Grafix for making the first series of training courses a success.
"We should not limit the prospective participants to Trinidad and Tobago but consider expanding the offering to the Caribbean as we prepare and equip the work force for not only today but tomorrow," he said.Narvin Boodhai, vice president UTT pledged the university's continued support in offering more short courses in 2014 geared towards improving the printing and packaging industry workforce.
Present at the Ceremony were Lindy Ali, managing director, AA Grafix Ltd; Jason Freakley, chief operating officer, Scrip J Printers Ltd; Daryl Woo, vice chairman PPIC; Fareeda Hosein, member of PPIC; Susan Singh-Seerattan, director, business development at UTT and other ministry representatives.