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Sunday, March 23, 2025

LIFEsport cricket, football workshop start today



Foot­ball and crick­et coach­es in­volved in the up­com­ing LIFE­s­port pro­gramme will take part in an ori­en­ta­tion ex­er­cise be­gin­ning to­day at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um and Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary School re­spec­tive­ly. The work­shop for the foot­ball coach­es will run un­til Wednes­day while the crick­et ses­sion will be re­strict­ed to just to­mor­row. The ses­sions will be­gin at 9 am at both venues. Spear­head­ing the coach­ing staff for the foot­ballers will be for­mer na­tion­al play­er and na­tion­al un­der-23 coach An­gus Eve with for­mer na­tion­al play­ers Wes­ley Webb, Derek King and Reynold Car­ring­ton lend­ing sup­port.

Con­duct­ing the work­shop for the crick­et coach­es will be for­mer na­tion­al play­er Su­ru­j­dath Ma­habir and na­tion­al un­der-17 coach Das­rath Ma­haraj. At Cara­pichaima the coach­es will be ad­dressed by chair­man of the LIFE­s­port im­ple­men­ta­tion com­mit­tee Forbes Per­saud and com­mit­tee mem­ber Fabis­ter David while na­tion­al un­der-23 foot­ball man­ag­er and com­mit­tee mem­ber William Wal­lace will do the ho­n­ours at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um. The LIFE­s­port Pro­gramme, which caters for youth be­tween the ages of 16 to 25 and will be con­duct­ed in 33 com­mu­ni­ties through­out the coun­try, was launched by Min­is­ter of Sport Anil Roberts at Queen's Hall re­cent­ly. 60 par­tic­i­pants will be in­volved in the pro­gramme at each venue where they will un­der­go train­ing in three sport­ing dis­ci­plines (foot­ball, crick­et and bas­ket­ball) as well as Life Skill and per­son­al de­vel­op­ment pro­grammes. The project is ex­pect­ed to get un­der­way by mid Ju­ly and is ex­pect­ed to run for two years.


Crick­et: Andy Nedd, Pru­den­cio Ce­de­no, Arnold Ruiz, Ish­war Ram­per­sad, Trevor Bur­nett, Guy Jared Tam­by, Ra­jen­dra Ra­madin, Franklyn Har­riot, Jared De­gannes, Kairool Ali, Rafeek Mo­hammed, Noor Mo­hammed, Ash Sinanan, Claudius Richards, Tami­ka Khan, Nazir Ali, Seukaran Sookram, Rus­sel Haynes, De­onar­ine Sookraj, Va­su Ram­path, Ki­ta­ka Lessey, Ger­ald Gar­cia, Roy Sa­roop, Lennox Ryan, Aneal Ra­jah, Jevon Hur­dle, Gabriel Deleon, Randy Ramjit, Na­dia James, Ish­war Maraj, Trevour Seecha­ran, Garfield Hodge

Foot­ball: Ross Rus­sel, Clint Mar­celle, Ed­di­son Smart, Lar­ry Bac­chus, Clin­ton Jag­ger­nauth, Mo­hammed Is­sa, Nykosi Jones, Lyn­don Di­az, Kester Corn­wall, Stephon Camp­bell, Nigel Pierre, Ian Gray, Trent Noel, Nigel Hen­ry, Vishram De­onar­ine, Sean Des­ouza, Je­sus Corn­wall, Al Sin­clair, Roma­ld Aguillera, Kathy Mar­celle, Cedric Hazel­wood, Al­lis­ter Ram­doo,Ash­ford Jef­fer­ey, Kevin Jef­fer­ey, Lloyd Solomon, Sean Nunez, Miguel Hack­ett, Alex Si­mon, Shur­land David, Kendall Roach, Ronald Primus, Nevick De­noon, Lyn­don An­drews, Basil Smith, Bri­an James, Kevin Ap­ple­white, Robert Den­nis, Mar­lon Guer­ra, David Pow­er, Pe­ter Pierre, John Con­taste, Fer­di­nand Dal­is­ingh, Dinelvi Tin­to, Noel Fran­cis, Casey Lat­apy

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