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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Island Hikers to visit Cyril Bay



On the North Coast be­tween Paramin and Mara­cas Bay there are sev­en se­clud­ed beach­es that form part of La Vache Bay. These in­lets known as Saut D'eau or Saint Cion Bay, Mal Destom­ac or Para­grant, Neg­mawah, Pee­chon Cove, Cyril Bay, Bal­a­ta and Mara­que­tte were once sug­ar-cane, co­coa and cof­fee es­tates cul­ti­vat­ed by French Over­seers. The his­toric Cedu­la of Pop­u­la­tion of 1783 in­vit­ed French im­mi­grants to set up plan­ta­tions in hopes of de­vel­op­ing the coun­try and the Mar­aval North Coast re­gion was one of the first places to be set­tled. Be­neath the Mara­cas North Coast Road there was once a net­work of bench trails link­ing the var­i­ous plan­ta­tions of La Vache Bay.

How­ev­er, be­cause of soil ero­sion, land­slides, over­growth and lack of main­te­nance some of these trail are now im­pass­able. But the area still re­mains a favourite des­ti­na­tion for nu­mer­ous hikes and ex­plo­rations, since these beach­es are ac­ces­si­ble from the top. On Ju­ly 22 Is­land Hik­ers will vis­it Cyril Bay. The hike be­gins on the North Coast Road just be­fore the Mara­cas look­out and takes 45 min­utes on a clear down­hill trail. The re­turn trek is up­hill and will take ap­prox­i­mate­ly one hour from the beach to the top of the Mara­cas Road.

For more in­for­ma­tion go to www. Is­land­hik­ or call Mario 749-2956.

As­sem­bly: 7am at the en­trance to Cen­tral Bank Au­di­to­ri­um or 7.30 am at the pil­lars on the North Coast Road.

Rat­ing: 3-fair (ap­pro­pri­ate for chil­dren sev­en and old­er.)

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