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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Couva West, 'Caps' get huge wins in Central



While Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege Ch­agua­nas and Ch­agua­nas North Sec­ondary played out a stale­mate, both Cou­va West and Cara­pichaima North Sec­ondary (Caps) com­bined for a flur­ry of goals in big wins to kick off the BGTT Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Cen­tral Zone sea­son, yes­ter­day. "Pres" and Ch­agua­nas North's fix­ture end­ed 0-0, at Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege Ground, while the dou­ble-head­er at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va saw Cou­va West and Cara­pichaima North, de­feat Gas­par­il­lo 6-0 and Tabaquite 7-0, re­spec­tive­ly. In the ear­li­er match, Jaf­fat Williams re­turned to the spot­light for Cou­va West with a hat-trick, while Seon Ed­wards scored a brace. Gabriel Boyd got the oth­er goal for the ruth­less 2011 zon­al run­ner-up.

The run-away Cen­tral win­ner last sea­son, Cara­pichaima, fol­lowed with a sim­i­lar­ly one-sided win. Shaquille Hold­er, who has rep­re­sent­ed the school bright­ly for sev­er­al years tucked away four goals, while Kern Alex­is, Leon Wi­ley and Yasseel Rivers scored the oth­ers. In the North Zone, St Mary's Col­lege edged Diego Mar­tin North Sec­ondary 1-0 at St Mary's Ground, Ser­pen­tine Road, to round up ac­tion in the di­vi­sion. The team's lead­ing goalscor­er last sea­son, Rashad Hy­acinth made a wel­com­ing re­turn for the Saints with a match-win­ning ef­fort in the 77th minute. Hy­acinth fin­ished clin­i­cal­ly with a head­er from a cor­ner af­ter be­ing found by sub­sti­tute right winger Joel Su­perville, who shone on his sea­son de­but, com­ing off the bench.

St Bene­dict's Col­lege dropped Moru­ga 8-1 in an­oth­er as­sertive dis­play in the South Zone. Jamille Goatswain be­gan the sea­son for St Bene­dict's bril­liant­ly with five goals. Tyler Williams got a first-half goal, while An­tho­ny Her­bert and Yaseau Rougi­er scored one each in the sec­ond half. Moru­ga got a con­so­la­tion goal from Aaron Julien af­ter trail­ing 4-0 for much of the match. A day pri­or, the bril­liant 2011 tre­ble win­ning team St An­tho­ny's Col­lege dom­i­nat­ed in its sea­son open­er, with a 3-1 vic­to­ry over QRC. East Mu­cu­rapo, the zone's sec­ond placed team last sea­son al­so im­pressed with a 2-0 win over Fa­ti­ma Col­lege. In To­ba­go, none of the sched­uled match­es in the open­ing round were played yes­ter­day and were post­poned for two weeks.

An of­fi­cial at­tached to one of the teams, cit­ed the un­avail­abil­i­ty of uni­forms as a pos­si­bil­i­ty for the de­lay in the match­es. The of­fi­cial ex­plained that he was told that the sup­pli­ers of the uni­forms are no longer ac­cept­ing in­voic­es from the Di­vi­sion of Ed­u­ca­tion, Youth Af­fairs and Sports of the To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly (THA) as the Di­vi­sion has been late in com­plet­ing pay­ments in the past.

When con­tact­ed, THA Di­rec­tor of Sports, An­tho­ny Price shared that he is not aware of the sit­u­a­tion as no one has brought it to his at­ten­tion. For­mer Di­rec­tor of Sports and now Pol­i­cy and Re­search of­fi­cer at the THA, Theophilus Trim told the Trinidad Guardian that it is dis­ap­point­ing if the claims made by the of­fi­cial are true. In yes­ter­day's open­ing round, Ma­son Hall Sec­ondary and Spey­side were due to meet with de­fend­ing zon­al cham­pi­on Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary set to clash with ri­val and zon­al In­ter­col win­ner Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary.



St Mary's Col­lege 1 (Rashad Hy­acinth 77th) v Diego Mar­tin North Sec­ondary 0


Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege Ch­agua­nas 0 v Ch­agua­nas North Sec­ondary 0.

Cou­va West 6 (Jaf­fet Williams 3, Seon Ed­wards, Gabriel Boyce) vs Gas­par­il­lo 0.

Cara­pichaima East 7 (Shaquille Hold­er 38th, 40th, 55th, 86th, Kern Alex­is 30th, Leon Wi­ley 58th, Yasseel Rivers 90th) v Tabaquite 0


Trin­i­ty East 2 (Nathan Reg­is 35th, Jameel Sem­pel 60th) v El Do­ra­do West 0.


St Bene­dict's Col­lege 8 (Jamille Goatswaim 9th, 70th, 78th, 81st, 90th, Tyler Williams 42nd, An­tho­ny Her­bert 46th, Yaseau Rougi­er 75th) v Moru­ga Sec 1 (Aaron Julien 69th)

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