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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Bail for soldiers charged with assaulting cop



Two sol­diers charged with of­fences in­clud­ing as­sault of a po­lice of­fi­cer were yes­ter­day each grant­ed $90,000 bail with a sure­ty. Michael Gar­cia and Quinn Dick were rep­re­sent­ed by at­tor­neys Lemuel Mur­phy and Shane Ju­rawan when they reap­peared be­fore mag­is­trate Melvin Daniel in the Port-of-Spain Fourth Court.

The two first ap­peared on Thurs­day be­fore mag­is­trate Glo­ria Jas­math in the Eleventh Court, were de­nied bail and re­mand­ed in cus­tody un­til yes­ter­day. Sched­uled to reap­pear in the Fifth Court, Gar­cia and Dick were forced to wait un­til their mat­ter was trans­ferred to Daniel's court af­ter a clerk of the peace said she had no au­thor­i­ty to grant bail.

Due to an un­usu­al­ly high ab­sence of mag­is­trates yes­ter­day many courts had to be ad­journed by court of­fi­cers. Half an hour af­ter the mat­ter was stood down in the Fifth Court, the sol­diers at­tached to Camp Cu­mu­to, Waller­field, reap­peared be­fore Daniel. Gar­cia, 30, is charged with ma­li­cious dam­age of one Guess watch val­ued at $1,800 be­long­ing to PC An­tho­ny Williams on Thurs­day last and as­sault­ing Williams who was at­tempt­ing to ar­rest an­oth­er per­son.

Gar­cia was not called up­on to en­ter a plea as the charges were laid in­dictably. Dick, 27, was charged with us­ing ob­scene lan­guage and as­sault­ing PC Williams at Broad­way on the same day with in­tent to pre­vent law­ful ar­rest. Of­fer­ing no ob­jec­tion to bail yes­ter­day, pros­e­cu­tor An­der­son Gon­za­les said a trac­ing in­di­cat­ed nei­ther of the ac­cused had any pre­vi­ous con­vic­tions or pend­ing mat­ters.

Daniel lat­er agreed to ac­cept Dick's fa­ther as his sure­ty, while Gar­cia's fi­ancee was ac­cept­ed as his. The two will reap­pear on De­cem­ber 21 in the Fifth Court.

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