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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

KaisoKah Moko Jumbies finds solution to high tech problem


1323 days ago
Junior Bisnath,left, guides Riannel Mendoza as she uses a drill press machine to build one of the stands.

Junior Bisnath,left, guides Riannel Mendoza as she uses a drill press machine to build one of the stands.

Innis Francis


He is best known as the leader of the pop­u­lar cul­tur­al group KaisoKah Moko Jumbies but these days with en­ter­tain­ment at a stand­still Ju­nior Bis­nath is putting his cre­ativ­i­ty to a dif­fer­ent use.

He has cre­at­ed the Dr Ro­bot­ic Screen Stand, wood­en sup­ports avail­able in two sizes for cell phones and oth­er elec­tron­ic de­vices.

Bis­nath, a re­tired join­er, came up with the idea af­ter his wife Vic­to­ria, com­plained about how dif­fi­cult it was to be con­tin­u­al­ly hold­ing her de­vice to view videos and oth­er on­line con­tent. She said she had to keep chang­ing po­si­tions and shift­ing hands and the de­vice would be­come hot and un­able to hold.

Bis­nath, 63, went in­to his wood­work shop and even­tu­al­ly came up with the de­sign for his first screen stand which he made from lum­ber, knots and bolts, and wing knots for me­chan­i­cal mo­bil­i­ty.

Victoria Bisnath enjoys her favourite music video using the Dr Robotic Screen Stand her husband built.

Victoria Bisnath enjoys her favourite music video using the Dr Robotic Screen Stand her husband built.

Innis Francis

“This is work­ing out per­fect! I was fed up hold­ing the phone in my hands to lis­ten to the news. The screen stand is faith­ful, it was some­thing I re­al­ly want­ed,” an ap­pre­cia­tive Vic­to­ria said.

That project has al­so pro­vid­ed Bis­nath with the op­por­tu­ni­ty to teach the young mem­bers of KaisoKah Moko Jumbies about self-sus­te­nance now that school is on va­ca­tion.

Not­ing that for the past 16-months ed­u­ca­tion has be­come heav­i­ly re­liant on elec­tron­ic de­vices, Bis­nath said his screen stand pro­vides a com­fort­able way to use phones, tablets and com­put­ers for on­line class­es, as well as work­ing from home.

He said he would like to get sup­port from the ed­u­ca­tion min­istry to pro­mote the use of the screen stand among stu­dents.

Sev­er­al of Bis­nath’s young pro­teges have been us­ing the stands and they de­scribe it as well thought out, so that they no longer have to re­sort to makeshift items to prop up their de­vices.

Kyle Cuthbert, left, and his friend Gideon Hope attach a phone charger into a device  mounted into the mini Dr Robotic Screen Stand.

Kyle Cuthbert, left, and his friend Gideon Hope attach a phone charger into a device mounted into the mini Dr Robotic Screen Stand.

Innis Francis

“You can mul­ti­task and not just be sub­ject­ed to us­ing the phone alone at a time. With the stand you can do oth­er things,” Bis­nath said.

“Many times peo­ple try to mul­ti­task and the phone would fall and crack and with this, you can pre­vent that while you video chat and take self­ies easy.”

Junior Bisnath, right, looks on as Gideon Hope and Kyle Cuthbert put together a giant Dr Robotic Screen Stand.

Junior Bisnath, right, looks on as Gideon Hope and Kyle Cuthbert put together a giant Dr Robotic Screen Stand.

Innis Francis

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