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Friday, March 14, 2025

Leonard Attzs


73 days ago

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Kadi Sylvester

In Mem­o­ry Of Leonard Attzs No­vem­ber 6th 1931 - De­cem­ber 31st 2005 As we look back over time We find our­selves won­der­ing…. Did we re­mem­ber to thank you enough. For all you have done for us? For teach­ing us by your ex­am­ple, The val­ue of hard work, good judg­ment, Courage and in­tegri­ty? We won­der if we ever thanked you For the sac­ri­fices you made. To let us have the very best? If we have for­got­ten to show our grat­i­tude for all the things you did, We’re thank­ing you now. And we are hop­ing you knew all along, How much you meant to us. With love from: Your Chil­dren & Grand­chil­dren.

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