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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Students steal the show at Junior Panorama Finals


407 days ago

Holy Faith Con­vent, Pe­nal, won the Sec­ondary School cat­e­go­ry at the Na­tion­al Ju­nior Panora­ma Fi­nals on Sun­day at the Queen’s Park Sa­van­nah, Port-of-Spain.

The band scored 275 points with their ren­di­tion of Sa­van­nah Grass by Kees Diefen­thaller, arranged by Neil Si­mon.

In a sec­ond place tie were Prov­i­dence/QRC Steel Or­ches­tra (273 points) play­ing Fuh Spite by Diefen­thaller, arranged by Kim­ber­ly St Clair, and Na­pari­ma Com­bined Steel Or­ches­tra with De­stra Gar­cia’s Call My Name, arranged by Shaquille Vin­cent.

Plac­ing fourth was Bish­op Anstey and Trin­i­ty Col­lege East play­ing Hookin’ Meh by Farmer Nap­py. Guardian Me­dia free­lance pho­tog­ra­ph­er EDI­SON BOODOOS­INGH was at the Sa­van­nah.

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