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Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Derek Walcott Prize for poetry


1749 days ago
Sir Derek Walcott, KCSL, OBA, OCC

Sir Derek Walcott, KCSL, OBA, OCC

Danielle Devaux (Walcott Estate)

The Derek Wal­cott Fes­ti­val, to­geth­er with Ar­row­smith Press and the Boston Play­wrights’ The­atre, has an­nounced the short list of the first an­nu­al Derek Wal­cott Prize for a full-length book of po­ems pub­lished in 2019 by a liv­ing po­et who is not a US cit­i­zen. The win­ner, to be se­lect­ed by Glyn Maxwell, will be an­nounced in Ju­ly.

The prize in­cludes a US$1,000 cash award, along with a read­ing at the Boston Play­wrights’ The­atre, the pub­li­ca­tion of a lim­it­ed-edi­tion broad­side by Ar­row­smith Press, and a week-long res­i­den­cy at Derek Wal­cott’s home in ei­ther St Lu­cia or in Port-of-Spain.

The Wal­cott Fes­ti­val Com­mit­tee com­pris­es Colvin Chen, Sean Hink­son, Yvonne Web­ber, Ge­of­frey MacLean, Mar­tin Mout­tet, Wen­dell Man­war­ren, Roger Roberts, Eliz­a­beth Wal­cott-Hack­shaw and An­naWal­cott-Hardy. The Com­mit­tee has ex­pressed its prfound thanks to lead­ing spon­sors Min­istry of Com­mu­ni­ty De­vel­op­ment, Cul­ture and the Arts, The Na­tion­al Gas Com­pa­ny of T&T (NGC), First Cit­i­zens, the Aus­tralian High Com­mis­sion (AHC) and LJ Williams. Sup­port­ing spon­sors in­clude Kapok Ho­tel, Shell, Methanex, The Massy Foun­da­tion, NH In­ter­na­tion­al (Caribbean) Lim­it­ed, Pres­tige Hold­ings, Bea­con In­sur­ance, Guardian Hold­ings Ltd, AL­NG and Pow­er­Gen.

For more in­for­ma­tion vis­it:

Derek Al­ton Wal­cott on Face­book

Ti Jean and His Broth­ers on In­sta­gram www.Derek­Wal­ Askold Mel­ny­czuk at ar­row­smith­

Sir Derek Al­ton Wal­cott, KC­SL, OBE, OCC (23 Jan­u­ary, 1930 – 17 March, 2017) was a Saint Lu­cian po­et and play­wright. Wal­cott was pro­fes­sor of Po­et­ry and Play­writ­ing at Boston Uni­ver­si­ty for 26 years, and re­ceived the 1992 No­bel Prize in Lit­er­a­ture. He was the Uni­ver­si­ty of Al­ber­ta’s first dis­tin­guished schol­ar in res­i­dence, where he taught grad­u­ate and un­der­grad­u­ate writ­ing cours­es. He al­so served as Pro­fes­sor of Po­et­ry at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Es­sex from 2010 to 2013. His works in­clude the Home­r­ic epic po­em Omeros (1990), which many view “as Wal­cott’s ma­jor achieve­ment.” In ad­di­tion to win­ning the No­bel Prize, Wal­cott re­ceived many lit­er­ary awards over the course of his ca­reer, in­clud­ing an Obie Award in 1971 for his play Dream on Mon­key Moun­tain, a MacArthur Foun­da­tion “ge­nius” award, a Roy­al So­ci­ety of Lit­er­a­ture Award, the Queen’s Medal for Po­et­ry, the in­au­gur­al OCM Bo­cas Prize for Caribbean Lit­er­a­ture, the 2011 T. S. Eliot Prize for his book of po­et­ry White Egrets, and the Grif­fin Trust For Ex­cel­lence in Po­et­ry Life­time Recog­ni­tion Award in 2015.

The Derek Wal­cott Fes­ti­val in 2019 was pro­duced by Ti Jean Pro­duc­tions Lim­it­ed and fea­tured an art ex­hi­bi­tion of Derek Wal­cott’s orig­i­nal sto­ry­boards, wa­ter­colours and oil paint­ings at Medul­la art Gallery in April, as well as po­et­ry read­ings by the award-win­ning po­et and pro­fes­sor at Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty Ish­ion Hutchin­son, and Artis­tic Di­rec­tor at Boston Play­wrights’ The­atre, Kate Snod­grass.

A pan­el dis­cus­sion with Jack­ie Hink­son, Hutchin­son, Snod­grass and Wen­dell Man­war­ren that ex­plored ‘Wal­cott’s Way‘, a mul­ti-lay­ered method of cre­at­ing art, was fa­cil­i­tat­ed by Sean Hink­son, while two ful­ly sub­scribed writ­ing work­shops were al­so held by Snod­grass and Hutchin­son at the Medul­la Art Gallery. The Aus­tralian High Com­mis­sion al­so host­ed a cock­tail re­cep­tion and po­et­ry read­ing at the res­i­dence in Mo­ka, Mar­aval.

In Sep­tem­ber 2019, Derek Wal­cott’s ‘Ti Jean & His Broth­ers’, di­rect­ed by Wen­dell Man­war­ren with mu­sic by An­dre Tanker, was staged at Queen’s Hall. With a key ob­jec­tive of bring­ing the play to a younger au­di­ence, the pro­duc­ers and spon­sors were able to of­fer over 400 free tick­ets to sec­ondary school stu­dents through­out T&T. The de­mand was over­whelm­ing and an ad­di­tion­al dis­count­ed show was added to the Sep­tem­ber 2019 run along­side shows for the gen­er­al pub­lic.


Derek Wal­cott Prize Short­list:

· T.O. Bobe, Curl (Sean Cot­ter, trans­la­tor, Wake­field Press, US)

· Ju­lia Co­pus, Girl­hood (Faber&Faber, UK)

· Dou­glas Wal­bourne-Gough, Crow Gulch (Ice­house Po­et­ry-Goose Lane Edi­tions, CA)

· Leg­na Ro­driguez Igle­sias, A Lit­tle Body Are Many Parts (Abi­gail Par­ry and Ser­a­fi­na Vick, trans­la­tors, Blood­axe, UK)

· Ade­laide Ivano­va, the ham­mer and oth­er po­ems (Rachel Long and Fran­cis­co Vil­hena, trans­la­tors, Po­et­ry Trans­la­tion Cen­ter, UK)

· Nick Laird, Feel Free (Nor­ton, USA)

· Ye Li­jun, My Moun­tain Coun­try (Fiona Sze, trans­la­tor, World Po­et­ry Books, US)

· Arvind Kir­sh­na Mehro­tra, Se­lect­ed Po­ems and Trans­la­tions (New York Re­view of Books, US)

· Kei Miller, In Near­by Bush­es (Car­canet, UK)

· Mary Noo­nan, Stone Girl (Dedalus, Ire­land)

· Roger Robin­son, A Portable Par­adise (Peepal Tree, UK)

· Karen Solie, The Caiplie Caves (Anan­si, CA)

· Ser­hiy Zhadan, What We Live For, What We Die For (Vir­lana Tkacz and Wan­da Phipps, trans­la­tors, Yale Uni­ver­si­ty Press, US)

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