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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Walid Baksh


13 days ago

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Christy-Marie Ramkissoon

Cel­e­brat­ing The Life Of Walid Baksh (HBM) (al­so known as Pope) Sun­rise: 14.03.1950 Sun­set: 7.08.2024. On your birth­day we re­mem­ber you with love and grat­i­tude. A de­vot­ed hus­band, a won­der­ful Fa­ther, and a guid­ing light in many lives, your kind­ness, wis­dom, strength and ex­am­ple con­tin­ue to in­spire every day. Your spir­it lives on in our hearts and mem­o­ries. We cher­ish the mo­ments we shared, the lessons you taught, and the love you gave. Your life was a bless­ing and your mem­o­ry a trea­sure. Lov­ing­ly re­mem­bered and deeply missed by your Wife: Mon­i­ca. Chil­dren: Mic­ah and Mar­cus. Daugh­ters-in-law: Shar­la and Tina. Grand­chil­dren: Gabriel, Chloe, Asia and Samuel. Broth­ers, Sis­ters, oth­er rel­a­tives and friends.

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