While Minister Stuart Young, chairman of the ruling People’s National Movement, is busy handing out “A” grade awards to the Prime Minister and Government, the killers continue without the slightest concern for any possible state action which can deter their efforts.
Imagine that while the number one problem being faced by the people of T&T, one that has been increasing in intensity, brutality and with little care for what the State and its security institutions have been able to do about it, continues, a senior Government minister occupies himself with granting high academic ratings to his Prime Minister. Is Minister Young’s award an attempt to mamaguy his boss?
It’s the kind of attitude and action that belittle the intelligence of citizens. Even the conscious and honest members of the People’s National Movement who are faced with the terror of the criminals must be embarrassed by Minister Young’s empty boast.
What the country should be hearing from Minister Young are reasons for the continuing failure of the incumbent administration to begin along the road to transform the nature of the economy. What projects and policies have the Government developed to move the economy away from almost complete dependence on the energy sector to deserve the A grade?
Minister Young probably has not noticed the social and human decay that is happening far and wide in the city, town and country, where increasing numbers of people are making their homes on the streets. Maybe he does not move around to places where unfortunate citizens, those addicted to mind-bending and life-diminishing drugs, are living on the very edge of humanity.
So too Minister Young, more so that you were a previous minister of National Security, you must be aware of the continuing infiltration of international criminal actors to join with the locals. You must be following the crime news coming out of Tobago, the new hunting grounds for the criminals and the gangs. While you are making grand but hollow statements about the achievements of the administration you belong to, you should be reminded that the country is drifting further away from the goal of being able to feed itself to an acceptable level.
As Minister of Energy, responsible for the Government here having secured energy agreements with Venezuela, you must be aware of the obvious problems that T&T is likely to be faced with given the dissatisfaction being expressed by surrounding countries and the influential USA, with the fairness and accuracy of the election results there.
By the time the next constitutionally appointed general elections are due towards the third to fourth quarter of 2025, this Government led by Prime Minister Rowley and containing ministers such as Young, will be required to tell the country of the meaningful and transformative achievements in Government.
In the lead-in to that period, spokespersons for the Government, including Minister Young and Prime Minister Rowley, will be required to deal in real achievements, not academic awards self-given. The advice to Minister Young is to clam-up and redouble his efforts to bring visible and tangible benefits to an electorate that has reposed faith in the Government for two terms.