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Thursday, March 13, 2025

New ASCO appointment leads growth in the Caribbean


1051 days ago
ASCO Trinidad managing directorDeborah Benjamin.

ASCO Trinidad managing directorDeborah Benjamin.


AS­CO, the glob­al in­te­grat­ed lo­gis­tics and ma­te­ri­als man­age­ment com­pa­ny, has ap­point­ed Deb­o­rah Ben­jamin as man­ag­ing di­rec­tor for T&T.

Ben­jamin will man­age lo­cal op­er­a­tions across the Caribbean and South Amer­i­ca.

AS­CO has been es­tab­lished in the re­gion since 2000 and pro­vides lo­gis­tics, ware­hous­ing, ma­rine gas oil, bulk stor­age and ma­rine ser­vices to sup­port the en­er­gy in­dus­try.

“With over 15 years of ex­pe­ri­ence in the en­er­gy, re­tail and sup­ply chain sec­tors, Deb­o­rah’s breadth of ex­per­tise will con­tribute to strength­en­ing AS­CO’s po­si­tion in the re­gion as it con­tin­ues to grow,” a re­lease stat­ed yes­ter­day.

Com­ment­ing on her ap­point­ment, Ben­jamin said: “I am ex­cit­ed to be join­ing such a strong and val­ued team here at AS­CO. There are sol­id busi­ness op­por­tu­ni­ties in the re­gion, and I am look­ing for­ward to ex­pand­ing our op­er­a­tions. I am con­fi­dent that util­is­ing AS­CO’s ex­pe­ri­ence in sup­ply­ing a ful­ly in­te­grat­ed so­lu­tion, we can build up­on what has been achieved across our lo­ca­tions and use it to grow the lo­cal en­er­gy sec­tor while main­tain­ing high lev­els of ser­vice de­liv­ery to our cus­tomers.”

Fras­er Stew­art, AS­CO’s man­ag­ing di­rec­tor, in­ter­na­tion­al, said: “I am de­light­ed to have Deb­o­rah on board to con­tin­ue our growth as the mar­ket leader in T&T and the wider re­gion. Her ex­pe­ri­ence, knowl­edge and lead­er­ship will great­ly strength­en the team.”

“As the es­sen­tial part­ner for glob­al en­er­gy lo­gis­tics and ma­te­ri­als man­age­ment, AS­CO works with the world’s largest op­er­a­tors to de­liv­er so­lu­tions that are un­der­pinned by the Group’s three pil­lars of safe­ty, ser­vice ex­cel­lence and sus­tain­abil­i­ty,” it stat­ed.

“With dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion and mod­erni­sa­tion at the heart of all op­er­a­tions, AS­CO’s in­no­v­a­tive process­es and sys­tems en­sure the com­pa­ny is at the fore­front of dri­ving sup­ply chain ef­fi­cien­cy to sup­port the en­er­gy tran­si­tion,” the re­lease stat­ed.

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