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Friday, March 14, 2025

Young meets Atlantic executives


Andrea Perez-Sobers
204 days ago
From left, Andre Celestain, bpTT’s vice president of Operations and CEO-designate at Atlantic LNG with Stuart R Young Minister of Energy and Ronald Adams, outgoing CEO at Atlantic

From left, Andre Celestain, bpTT’s vice president of Operations and CEO-designate at Atlantic LNG with Stuart R Young Minister of Energy and Ronald Adams, outgoing CEO at Atlantic


En­er­gy Min­is­ter Stu­art Young met with At­lantic LNG ex­ec­u­tives to dis­cuss the per­for­mance of the gas com­pa­ny over the past three years.

The meet­ing was held ear­li­er this week at the min­istry’s In­ter­na­tion­al Wa­ter­front Com­plex head of­fice in Port-of-Spain.

Young met with Ronald Adams, out­go­ing CEO, and An­dre Ce­lestain, bpTT vice pres­i­dent of Op­er­a­tions, who is ear­marked to be the new At­lantic CEO ef­fec­tive Oc­to­ber 1.

The min­istry said the dis­cus­sions sur­round­ed the ma­jor ac­com­plish­ments of At­lantic LNG for the pe­ri­od 2021 to 2024. Among these were the ex­e­cu­tion of com­plex ‘turn arounds’ with the Train 2 turn­around in 2023 and the Train 4turn­around in 2024.

The two ex­ec­u­tives told Young that the com­pa­ny is now at the im­ple­men­ta­tion stage of a new as­set man­age­ment sys­tem and a fab­ric in­tegri­ty cam­paign geared to­wards ac­cel­er­at­ing the com­pa­ny’s as­set in­tegri­ty up­grade.

Adams re­port­ed to the min­is­ter that the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the com­pa­ny’s five-year strate­gic plan is pro­ceed­ing at the pro­ject­ed pace.

Adams al­so of­fi­cial­ly took the op­por­tu­ni­ty to in­tro­duce Ce­lestain as the new CEO.

Young thanked Adams for his ded­i­ca­tion and keen busi­ness sense in steer­ing the com­pa­ny through its com­plex re­struc­tur­ing and wel­comed Ce­lestain with a promise of more work due to the new arrange­ment for third-par­ty ac­cess to the LNG Trains. That ini­tia­tive is pro­ject­ed to in­crease the out­put of the com­pa­ny’s nat­ur­al gas liq­ue­fac­tion fa­cil­i­ty.

Adams, who is on sec­ond­ment from Shell, will be tak­ing up the role of gen­er­al man­agerof Deep­wa­ter As­sets/man­ag­ing di­rec­tor Shell Nige­ria Ex­plo­ration and Pro­duc­tion Com­pa­ny Ltd (SNEP­Co), ef­fec­tive Oc­to­ber 1.

The min­istry not­ed that At­lantic LNG was re­struc­tured in De­cem­ber 2023.

The new uni­tised com­mer­cial struc­ture has re­sult­ed in an in­crease of Gov­ern­ment share­hold­ing through the Na­tion­al Gas Com­pa­ny (NGC) from 10 per cent and 11.2 per cent in Trains 1 and 4 re­spec­tive­ly to 10 per cent Gov­ern­ment share­hold­ing for each of the four LNG trains.

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