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Monday, March 10, 2025


Four men charged with robbery and larceny


1070 days ago

Four men charged with lar­ce­ny and rob­bery with ag­gra­va­tion ap­peared in a Ch­agua­nas Mag­is­trate to­day. Two of the men were grant­ed $350,000 bail each while the oth­er two was re­mand­ed on­to cus­tody. 

The fol­low­ing is a press re­lease from the TTPS: 

Four men have ap­peared at the Ch­agua­nas Mag­is­trates’ Court, charged with lar­ce­ny and rob­bery with ag­gra­va­tion, aris­ing out of in­ci­dents which oc­curred in March 2022.

In the first mat­ter, AMOS BRUCE, 37, of Freeport ap­peared be­fore Mag­is­trate Adri­an Dar­manie charged with lar­ce­ny on, Mon­day 4th April, 2022. He plead­ed guilty to the charge and was re­mand­ed in­to cus­tody un­til May 3rd, 2022, when he will be sen­tenced.

Bruce was ar­rest­ed by of­fi­cers of the Ch­agua­nas Crim­i­nal In­ves­ti­ga­tion De­part­ment (CID) fol­low­ing a re­port of lar­ce­ny in the Ch­agua­nas dis­trict on March 27th 2022. A vic­tim re­port­ed that a quan­ti­ty of house­hold items was dis­cov­ered miss­ing from his home. An in­ves­ti­ga­tion was launched and the ac­cused was ar­rest­ed in con­nec­tion with the in­ci­dent and a quan­ti­ty of the miss­ing items re­cov­ered. Bruce was charged by PC Parks of the Ch­agua­nas CID.

In a sep­a­rate mat­ter, KER­RY ALI, a 40-year-old con­trac­tor of St. Au­gus­tine, ap­peared be­fore the Ch­agua­nas Mag­is­trates’ Court yes­ter­day, charged with lar­ce­ny mo­tor ve­hi­cle. He was grant­ed bail in the sum of $350,000 and the mat­ter ad­journed to May 3rd, 2022. 

The ac­cused was ar­rest­ed by of­fi­cers of the St. Joseph Po­lice Sta­tion who were in­ves­ti­gat­ing a re­port of lar­ce­ny mo­tor ve­hi­cle which oc­curred on March 27th, 2022. The ve­hi­cle was re­cov­ered dur­ing the course of the in­ves­ti­ga­tion and Ali was charged in con­nec­tion with the in­ci­dent by WPC Prince.

In a third mat­ter, JOSHUA DOU­GLAS, 20, and ISA­IAH BAL­LI­RAM, 19, of Pleas­antville, al­so ap­peared be­fore Ch­agua­nas Mag­is­trate Adri­an Dar­manie yes­ter­day, joint­ly charged with rob­bery with ag­gra­va­tion, aris­ing out of an in­ci­dent which oc­curred on March 30th, 2022. Dur­ing the in­ci­dent a Nis­san Almera mo­tor ve­hi­cle was stolen from a vic­tim.

The ac­cused were ar­rest­ed by of­fi­cers of the Ch­agua­nas Po­lice Sta­tion short­ly af­ter. Bal­li­ram plead­ed not guilty to the charge and was re­mand­ed in­to cus­tody while Dou­glas, was grant­ed bail in the sum of $350,000 and the mat­ter ad­journed to May 3rd, 2022. 

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