Ten finalists will compete against reigning Monarch Ta’Zyah O’Connor and Tobago Monarch Dillon Thomas. The final round of this competition will be held at Dimanche Gras, Carnival Sunday Night 11th February 2024, at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain commencing from 7:00 PM.
Aaron Duncan -Character
Brian London - Hell
Helon Francis - Representing We
Karene Asche - No Excuse
Kurt Allen- De First Investigation
Machel Montano - Soul of Calypso
Mical Teja - D.N.A
"Chuck Gordon" - Charlsie
Stacey Sobers Respect the Tribe
Winston Peters "Gypsy" - Ungrateful
RESERVE: Victoria Cooper Rahim (Queen Victoria) – The Enemy