The Ministry of Public Utilities will provide electricity and water subsidies for 13,000 low-income customers in 2023.
This will form part of the Social Sector Investment Programme for 2023 targeting low-income and underprivileged beneficiaries.
The programmes, as detailed in the document laid during Monday's Budget, the ministry will undertake include the Provision of Utility Bill Assistance, in which approximately 13,000 low-income customers of the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) and Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) will receive water and electricity subsidies at an estimated cost of $3,750,000.
Another programme is the Provision of Solar Panel Assistance, in which approximately 60 low-income households that are without access to the electricity grid will benefit from the installation of solar panels.
Under the Provision of Water Tanks Programme, the ministry will distribute approximately 300 (800-gallon tanks) and 70 (1,000-gallon tanks) to households and five 1,000-gallon tanks to five community facilities.
Outreach events will be used to increase accessibility to target applicants (the elderly and persons with disabilities) and people residing in remote rural communities who may experience tremendous challenges in accessing these amenities and information.