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Friday, February 28, 2025

2 friends die in crash after night out


207 days ago

Se­nior Re­porter

A night out for a group of friends end­ed trag­i­cal­ly on Sun­day, af­ter two of them fell to their deaths when the pick-up they were trav­el­ling in ran off the high­way and plunged in­to the Cipero Riv­er in San Fer­nan­do.

The Hunters’ Search and Res­cue (HSR) team dis­cov­ered the bod­ies of busi­ness­man Sachin Teeluck­d­har­ry, of Clarke Road, Pe­nal, and Ryan Ram­nanan, of Tul­sa Trace, San Fran­cique, at 2.38 pm. Both men were al­ready dead.

Scores of rel­a­tives, friends and on­look­ers crowd­ed the bridge along the Solomon Ho­choy High­way, which pass­es over the riv­er, mo­ments af­ter the dis­cov­ery.

Emer­gency ve­hi­cles parked on the road cre­at­ed traf­fic con­ges­tion for hours as Mon Re­pos fire­fight­ers worked to re­trieve the bod­ies from the bad­ly man­gled pick-up, even as the rains came.

Re­ports in­di­cat­ed that Teeluck­d­har­ry and Ram­nanan were among a group of friends who were ear­li­er hang­ing out along Cipri­ani Boule­vard, Port-of-Spain, on Sat­ur­day night.

A friend told po­lice he last saw the men when he over­took Teeluck­d­har­ry’s Nis­san Navara near the Gas­par­il­lo In­ter­change at 3.30 am.

HSR team cap­tain Val­lence Ramb­harat told Guardian Me­dia that his team re­ceived the dis­tress call from Teeluck­d­har­ry’s fam­i­ly at 9.38 am, ask­ing for as­sis­tance af­ter the men did not re­turn to their homes and calls to their phones were unan­swered. The fam­i­lies al­so re­port­ed them miss­ing to po­lice.

The HSR team gath­ered around noon and be­gan search­ing the high­way from Gas­par­il­lo, in­tend­ing to reach Pe­nal.

The team even­tu­al­ly reached Ste Madeleine, where they ob­served a ve­hi­cle over­turned in the riv­er, be­tween the north and south­bound lanes. They climbed down and start­ed to call but got no re­sponse. It was then they ap­proached and found the life­less bod­ies in­side the crushed cab­in.

Mon Re­pos fire­fight­ers cut the pick-up to get the men out, while a crane truck lift­ed the ve­hi­cle from the riv­er.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors said they be­lieve the pick-up veered off the road, be­came air­borne, and crashed in­to the bridge wall.

Rel­a­tives who were at the scene de­clined to com­ment to the me­dia.

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