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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

5 day clean-up at Union Hall amid continued illegal dumping


Radhica De Silva
38 days ago

Photo by Kristian De Silva

De­spite the Hous­ing De­vel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion’s (HDC) re­cent im­ple­men­ta­tion of five-day garbage col­lec­tion at Union Hall, San Fer­nan­do, il­le­gal dump­ing per­sists at Cy­press Hills.

Footage ob­tained by Guardian Me­dia showed a man dump­ing waste near an in­com­plete school, ig­nor­ing a “No Dump­ing” sign placed by the HDC.

The grow­ing pile of trash on Ashoka Av­enue has blocked a drain, cre­at­ing a stench and forc­ing res­i­dents to burn the heap. Last week, res­i­dents re­port­ed in­creased rat and pi­geon in­fes­ta­tions due to garbage buildup.

Gem­ma Elvin, a near­by res­i­dent, said the pi­geon drop­pings and feath­ers are every­where, while stray dogs drag trash across the street.

“We have rats, mos­qui­toes, and road haz­ards. Dri­vers swerve to avoid the garbage, caus­ing ac­ci­dents,” she added.

An­oth­er res­i­dent, Jim­my Clarke, called for an ad­di­tion­al com­mu­nal bin and re­pairs to build­ing roofs to pre­vent pi­geons from roost­ing.

IAn­oth­er res­i­dent, Jim­my Clarke, called for an ad­di­tion­al com­mu­nal bin and re­pairs to build­ing roofs to pre­vent pi­geons from roost­ing.

In re­sponse, the HDC said it had in­creased garbage col­lec­tion to five days week­ly and is part­ner­ing with the San Fer­nan­do City Cor­po­ra­tion to ad­dress pest con­trol by set­ting rat baits and san­i­tiz­ing the area.

The HDC al­so urged res­i­dents to prac­tice prop­er waste dis­pos­al by se­cure­ly ty­ing garbage bags and fol­low­ing des­ig­nat­ed bulk waste dis­pos­al days.

Vi­o­la­tors of the Lit­ter Act face fines of $4,000 or six months im­pris­on­ment, with busi­ness­es li­able for fines of $8,000. n re­sponse, the HDC said it had in­creased garbage col­lec­tion to five days week­ly and is part­ner­ing with the San Fer­nan­do City Cor­po­ra­tion to ad­dress pest con­trol by set­ting rat baits and san­i­tiz­ing the area.

The HDC al­so urged res­i­dents to prac­tice prop­er waste dis­pos­al by se­cure­ly ty­ing garbage bags and fol­low­ing des­ig­nat­ed bulk waste dis­pos­al days.

Vi­o­la­tors of the Lit­ter Act face fines of $4,000 or six months im­pris­on­ment, with busi­ness­es li­able for fines of $8,000.


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