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Friday, March 14, 2025

7 Train Line residents killed in 4 months


Anna-Lisa Paul
663 days ago
Undertakers remove the body of Roger Maraj following his murder at the corner of Jackson and Bushe streets in Curepe on Saturday.

Undertakers remove the body of Roger Maraj following his murder at the corner of Jackson and Bushe streets in Curepe on Saturday.


Se­nior Re­porter

Even as res­i­dents of Train Line, Free­man Road, St Au­gus­tine, con­tin­ue to flee the area to es­cape be­com­ing vic­tims of gang vi­o­lence, they con­tin­ue to be stalked by gun­men.

Co­conut ven­dor Roger Maraj who fled the Train Line with his six chil­dren back in Jan­u­ary was gunned down in Curepe on Sat­ur­day morn­ing.

He was the sev­enth res­i­dent of the Train Line to be gunned down with­in the last four months.

In­no­cent mem­bers of the pub­lic are now in the fir­ing line as the killers have now ex­tend­ed their ra­dius of op­er­a­tions from the Train Line.

The 42-year-old fa­ther of sev­en died just af­ter 8 am, as he be­gan his day’s work sell­ing co­conuts out­side Ma­haraj Su­per­mar­ket at the cor­ner of Bushe and Jack­son streets in Curepe.

Maraj’s chil­dren feared the worst as they heard the vol­ley of gun­shots ring­ing out.

Un­con­cerned about his safe­ty, a male rel­a­tive ran from their rent­ed home to Maraj’s side as he lay bleed­ing on the ground, hop­ing he could be saved. But what he wit­nessed in­stead was Maraj tak­ing his last breath.

Beg­ging for jus­tice yes­ter­day, Maraj’s el­dest daugh­ter, Su­san, cried bit­ter­ly as she told re­porters, “No­body could com­pare to my fa­ther.”

No stranger to ad­ver­si­ty, she said, “Dur­ing his hard­est times, he was al­ways laugh­ing. If it’s one thing, he was al­ways for his kids. That was one thing he didn’t make joke with, no­body could in­ter­fere with us just so.”

She de­nied he was in trou­ble with the law or in­volved in any crim­i­nal ac­tiv­i­ties.

“We used to live in the Train Line and he didn’t want to be part of that so he re­alised that af­ter the first set of shoot­ing it had there we was in dan­ger,” she ex­plained.

Fol­low­ing the mur­der of Dar­shan Ram­nauth, 16, and Geno Shah on Jan­u­ary 24 at Warn­er Street, Su­san re­vealed, “A lot of us get away from bul­lets. I get away from two bul­lets as my boyfriend pushed me from two bul­lets pass­ing through the house. When my fa­ther see that, he done make up he mind we can’t live there any­more be­cause I have a lil ba­by.”

Cry­ing as she won­dered how Maraj’s grand­daugh­ter and chil­dren would live now as he had been every­thing to them, she wept, “My fa­ther needs jus­tice.”

Oth­er rel­a­tives en­dorsed claims that he worked hard to sup­port his fam­i­ly, in­clud­ing dri­ving a taxi when he could, to bring in ex­tra mon­ey.

An­oth­er woman claimed, “When Aneesa dead, every­thing changed in the Train Line.”

Aneesa Ramkissoon, a moth­er of three, was ex­e­cut­ed on March 3 at the Train Line, which is off Warn­er Street.

“They com­ing for the in­no­cent,” one of them added.

“Yes, hun­dred per cent we scared,” Su­san said.

The killings at Warn­er Street and Train Line be­gan back in Jan­u­ary fol­low­ing the mur­ders of Ram­nauth and Shah by four gun­men who opened fire on a group of men who had been stand­ing on the road.

Their killings were fol­lowed by the ex­e­cu­tion of Ramkissoon.

A 21-year-old Five Rivers man has since been charged with the killings of Ram­nauth and Shah, while Ramkissoon’s killers are on the loose.

The in­tim­i­da­tion and ha­rass­ment of res­i­dents con­tin­ued af­ter two masked men set Ramkissoon’s sis­ter’s home alight on March 6.

This was fol­lowed by the torch­ing of a house be­long­ing to Kishore and Vi­jay Ma­habir on March 26, and then In­drani Joseph’s home on March 29.

All the homes were sit­u­at­ed along the Train Line.

The mur­der of Daniel Ri­ley, 21, fol­lowed on April 7 at his Free­man Road home.

Two gun­men re­port­ed­ly ran in­to the con­tain­er where Ri­ley had lived with his preg­nant girl­friend An­gelie, 16, and opened fire on the cou­ple as they slept.

Ri­ley died at the scene, while his girl­friend lost their ba­by.

On April 26, gun­men killed Dil­lon Joseph as he sold wa­ter­mel­ons at the Ca­roni Round­about. He too lived at Free­man Road.

Chris Pooran, who lived at Warn­er Street, was sub­se­quent­ly killed on May 3.

St Augustine MP Khadijah Ameen

St Augustine MP Khadijah Ameen


MP Ameen pleads for peace in

St Au­gus­tine

MP for the area Khadi­jah Ameen is ask­ing how many more must die be­fore those in au­thor­i­ty put a stop to the killings. MP Ameen said she has been call­ing on the po­lice and rep­re­sen­ta­tives of var­i­ous gov­ern­ment agen­cies to work with the com­mu­ni­ty to treat the so­cial is­sues that make young peo­ple vul­ner­a­ble to vi­o­lence, crim­i­nal ac­tiv­i­ties and gang in­volve­ment.

She is al­so call­ing on those in­volved to put down the guns and let peace pre­vail. Ameen said she re­mains “com­mit­ted to bring­ing peace back to the com­mu­ni­ty” and is urg­ing the Min­is­ter of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty to do more to re­duce the num­ber of high-pow­ered weapons en­ter­ing T&T and end­ing up in the hands of crim­i­nals.


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