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Monday, March 3, 2025

Angostura donates 55 laptops to secondary schools


1578 days ago
(L-R) Vice-Principal of Bishop Anstey High School POS, Ms. Winzy Adams; Principal of St. Joseph’s Convent, Mrs. Anna Pounder; Minister in the Ministry of Education, the Honourable Lisa Morris-Julian; MP for Laventille East/Morvant, the Honourable Adrian Leonce; Minister of Education, the Honourable Dr. Nyan Gadsby-Dolly; Angostura CEO (Ag.) Mr. Ian Forbes; Principal (Ag.) of South East POS Secondary, Mr. Winston Samuel; Principal (Ag.) Ms. Stacey Lezama of Success/Laventille Secondary and Principal (Ag.) of Morvant/Laventille Secondary, Ms. Emelene Hassanally. The schools received four Lenovo laptops each for students in Forms 4 and 5.

(L-R) Vice-Principal of Bishop Anstey High School POS, Ms. Winzy Adams; Principal of St. Joseph’s Convent, Mrs. Anna Pounder; Minister in the Ministry of Education, the Honourable Lisa Morris-Julian; MP for Laventille East/Morvant, the Honourable Adrian Leonce; Minister of Education, the Honourable Dr. Nyan Gadsby-Dolly; Angostura CEO (Ag.) Mr. Ian Forbes; Principal (Ag.) of South East POS Secondary, Mr. Winston Samuel; Principal (Ag.) Ms. Stacey Lezama of Success/Laventille Secondary and Principal (Ag.) of Morvant/Laventille Secondary, Ms. Emelene Hassanally. The schools received four Lenovo laptops each for students in Forms 4 and 5.

An­gos­tu­ra has do­nat­ed 55 lap­tops to 18 Sec­ondary Schools. The Com­pa­ny stat­ed that the new teach­ing method has placed many stu­dents at a dis­ad­van­tage, so, the Board of Di­rec­tors and Ex­ec­u­tives de­cid­ed to step in and help those in need dur­ing this crit­i­cal time.
The fol­low­ing is a press re­lease from An­gos­tu­ra:

Over the past cou­ple of months, stu­dents in Trinidad and To­ba­go have had to adapt to a new way of learn­ing which has been through on­line class­es, due to COVID-19.
This new teach­ing method has placed many stu­dents at a dis­ad­van­tage who do not have ac­cess to de­vices to con­nect to their teach­ers and class­mates. The Board of Di­rec­tors and Ex­ec­u­tives of An­gos­tu­ra® de­cid­ed that the Com­pa­ny should step in to as­sist stu­dents in need dur­ing this crit­i­cal time.

An­gos­tu­ra® is do­nat­ing 55 Leno­vo Idea­Pad Slim lap­tops to 18 Sec­ondary schools across the coun­try. The schools will then dis­trib­ute the lap­tops to stu­dents in Forms 4 and 5 who do not have ac­cess to a de­vice need­ed for re­mote learn­ing while schools re­main closed due to the pan­dem­ic.

The schools in­clude:
  Suc­cess Laven­tille Sec­ondary Barataria South Sec­ondary
  Mal­ick Sec­ondary Barataria North Sec­ondary
  Mor­vant/Laven­tille Sec­ondary Blan­chisseusse Sec­ondary
  South East POS Sec­ondary San Juan South Sec­ondary
  Bish­op Anstey High School, POS SWA­HA Hin­du Col­lege
  St. Joseph’s Con­vent, POS Ves­signy Sec­ondary
  Gas­par­il­lo Sec­ondary Pa­lo Seco Sec­ondary
  Ch­agua­nas South Sec­ondary AS­JA Boys’ Col­lege, San Fer­nan­do
  North East­ern Col­lege La Ro­maine Sec­ondary

Chief Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer (Ag.) of An­gos­tu­ra®, Mr. Ian Forbes says, “The stu­dents are the fu­ture builders of the na­tion and the do­na­tion of lap­tops comes at a cru­cial time. An­gos­tu­ra® will do all that it can to en­sure that stu­dents are not left be­hind. We un­der­stand that this might be a stress­ful time for many as there are stu­dents who don’t have ac­cess to de­vices need­ed for on­line learn­ing and they face an even steep­er chal­lenge than their peers. The de­vices be­ing do­nat­ed by An­gos­tu­ra® are Leno­vo lap­tops that come with 1-year valet war­ran­ty from Mem­o­ry Bank Com­put­ers Ltd. This valet war­ran­ty cov­ers parts, labour and bat­tery. Stu­dents will al­so re­ceive a lap­top bag, do­nat­ed by Mem­o­ry Bank Com­put­ers Lim­it­ed.”

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