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Monday, March 10, 2025

Anti-Extortion Unit arrests 3 suspects, seizes cocaine


40 days ago

The Po­lice Ser­vice’s An­ti-Ex­tor­tion Unit has ar­rest­ed three per­sons and seized a quan­ti­ty of nar­cotics on Mon­day, fol­low­ing re­cent in­ves­ti­ga­tions in­to al­leged in­ci­dents of ex­tor­tion.

And the TTPS is urg­ing the pub­lic to re­port in­stances of ex­tor­tion by call­ing the An­ti-Ex­tor­tion Unit hot­line at (868) 797-3150.

Ac­cord­ing to an of­fi­cial state­ment is­sued to­day, an in­tel­li­gence-led ex­tor­tion dis­rup­tion op­er­a­tion was con­duct­ed in the Trinci­ty dis­trict around 9:15 pm on Mon­day (Jan­u­ary 27, 2025).

Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands the op­er­a­tion was in re­sponse to re­ports that armed Span­ish-speak­ing na­tion­als dri­ving a blue Hyundai Ac­cent mo­tor ve­hi­cle had been ex­tort­ing oth­er Span­ish-speak­ing na­tion­als for drugs and oth­er valu­ables, in the Arou­ca and St. Joseph dis­tricts.

The TTPS says dur­ing the ex­er­cise, the of­fi­cers in­ter­cept­ed the ve­hi­cle in ques­tion at Trinci­ty Cen­tral Road North. The ve­hi­cle had three oc­cu­pants at the time.

Of­fi­cers con­duct­ed a search and dis­cov­ered a quan­ti­ty of co­caine in plas­tic pack­ag­ing in the ve­hi­cle.

The three sus­pects—a 26-year-old woman and a 23-year-old man, both of St. James and a 19-year-old of Diego Mar­tin—were ar­rest­ed in con­nec­tion with the find.

In­ves­ti­ga­tions in­to the ex­tor­tion mat­ters are on­go­ing.

Re­ports of ex­tor­tion can be made to the An­ti-Ex­tor­tion Unit hot­line at (868) 797-3150.

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