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Monday, March 3, 2025

Artistes disappointed with cancellation of Calypso, Extempo competitions


1111 days ago
Former Calypso Monarch, Duane O’Connor, speaks with calypsonians Anthony Hendrickson, All Rounder and reining Ex Tempo monarch Brian London speak during the Taste of Carnival- Klassic Russo opening night at the Garden Theatre, Queen’s Hall, last Friday.

Former Calypso Monarch, Duane O’Connor, speaks with calypsonians Anthony Hendrickson, All Rounder and reining Ex Tempo monarch Brian London speak during the Taste of Carnival- Klassic Russo opening night at the Garden Theatre, Queen’s Hall, last Friday.


Bavi­ta Gopaulchan

The de­ci­sion to can­cel the Ca­lyp­so and Ex­tem­po com­pe­ti­tions has dis­ap­point­ed artistes with­in the fra­ter­ni­ty.

Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day, for­mer Ca­lyp­so Monarch Du­ane O’Con­nor said the can­cel­la­tions due to a lack of fund­ing re­in­force the view that Ca­lyp­so is not get­ting the re­spect it de­serves.

“My first re­ac­tion was ‘shocked, dis­ap­point­ed, ex­treme­ly dis­ap­point­ed,’” said O’Con­nor.

He be­lieves blame must be even­ly shared, ex­plain­ing that chair­man of the Na­tion­al Car­ni­val Com­mis­sion (NCC) Win­ston “Gyp­sy” Pe­ters spoke “too quick­ly” about the TT$30 mil­lion bud­get which prompt­ed pub­lic out­cry.

“These peo­ple do not be­lieve in Ca­lyp­so and that sec­tor who want to crip­ple the art form, they de­cid­ed to ques­tion the TT$30 mil­lion for Car­ni­val,” O’Con­nor said.

Of the TT$15 mil­lion al­lo­cat­ed by the Gov­ern­ment for the ‘Taste of Car­ni­val’ event, TU­CO re­ceived TT$1.5 mil­lion, how­ev­er, $1.3 mil­lion will be used to run eight Ca­lyp­so tents across T&T, leav­ing the or­gan­i­sa­tion with on­ly $200,000 to host the com­pe­ti­tions.

Ac­cord­ing to TU­CO pres­i­dent, Ains­ley King, this amount was not enough to put on the com­pe­ti­tions and pay prizes.

In fact, he said the coun­cil be­lieves a poor­ly fund­ed event could have af­fect­ed the Car­ni­val brand.

“We know what the el­e­ments of the Ca­lyp­so means to peo­ple but it would have done more dam­age at the end of the day for Ca­lyp­so if we went down that road we were forced to go down,” King said.

Over 70 peo­ple were reg­is­tered to par­tic­i­pate in the com­pe­ti­tions. TU­CO has since apol­o­gised to the par­tic­i­pants.

O’Con­nor said peo­ple con­tin­ue to dis­re­gard the im­pact of Ca­lyp­so on the coun­try’s cul­ture.

“We let so­ci­ety know of the ills, of the chal­lenges, the is­sues, the suc­cess­es of our na­tion­al he­roes and icons like our sports­men and sports­women so Ca­lyp­so play an ex­treme­ly in­te­gral part in our so­ci­ety,” he went on.

He de­fend­ed TU­CO against crit­i­cisms about the or­gan­i­sa­tion’s abil­i­ty to fund it­self say­ing it has been on its knees beg­ging for sup­port from the cor­po­rate sec­tor.

“There are cor­po­rate en­ti­ties and politi­cians who have shows and you know when they come to us, they beg us to per­form as favours fail­ing to un­der­stand that we have fam­i­lies to feed,” O’Con­nor said.

He added it is the same or­gan­i­sa­tions that are not will­ing to step up to the plate to help save the art form.

Mean­while, ca­lyp­son­ian Wayne “Im­pulse” Mod­este is point­ing fin­gers in an­oth­er di­rec­tion.

He be­lieves Pe­ters has lost his way as a fel­low ca­lyp­son­ian.

“We done don’t get enough and you want to call us and tell us here is 50 cents and make that work... that is a dis­re­spect. They don’t treat us with re­spect,” he com­plained.

Mod­este be­lieves more can be done for the sec­tor.

The Ca­lyp­so Fi­es­ta card­ed for this Sun­day at Na­pari­ma Bowl will take the form of a con­cert show­down fea­tur­ing ca­lyp­so­ni­ans from Trinidad and To­ba­go while TU­CO said it will par­tic­i­pate in the Di­manche Gras on Car­ni­val Sun­day which will take the form of a Ca­lyp­so Su­per Clash.

King is promis­ing changes to TU­CO which will see the or­gan­i­sa­tion be­com­ing more self-suf­fi­cient.

Guardian Me­dia reached out to Min­is­ter of Tourism, Cul­ture and the Arts Ran­dall Mitchell about this lat­est de­vel­op­ment, how­ev­er, up to late Wednes­day he did not re­spond to ques­tions.

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