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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Bahamas soldiers deployed to Haiti


131 days ago
Bahamas Prime Minister Phillip Davis greets Defence Force soldiers before their deployment to Haiti

Bahamas Prime Minister Phillip Davis greets Defence Force soldiers before their deployment to Haiti

The Ba­hamas has sent a six-mem­ber ad­vance team to join the Kenya-led Multi­na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Sup­port (MSS) Mis­sion that is tasked with restor­ing se­cu­ri­ty in the French-speak­ing coun­try of Haiti, where crim­i­nal gangs have been in con­trol of a ma­jor­i­ty sec­tion of the cap­i­tal, Port-au-Prince.

A state­ment from the Roy­al Ba­hamas De­fence Force (RBDF) said that the ad­vance team will be join­ing the MSS, which is “an ef­fort spear­head­ed by CARI­COM (Caribbean Com­mu­ni­ty) in part­ner­ship with in­ter­na­tion­al al­lies such as Kenya, Ja­maica, and Be­lize.

“This co­or­di­nat­ed mis­sion will pro­vide crit­i­cal sup­port to help re­store peace and sta­bil­i­ty in Haiti,” the RBDF said, adding that the of­fi­cers will serve for six months in “a chal­leng­ing but nec­es­sary de­ploy­ment aimed at mak­ing a sig­nif­i­cant im­pact on the re­gion’s se­cu­ri­ty.

“Their par­tic­i­pa­tion not on­ly en­hances The Ba­hamas’ role in re­gion­al se­cu­ri­ty but al­so sup­ports broad­er CARI­COM-led ef­forts,” the RBDF said.

Ear­li­er this month, Haiti’s Prime Min­is­ter Gar­ry Conille de­scribed as suc­cess­ful, his vis­its to the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates (UAE) and Kenya, as the French-speak­ing CARI­COM coun­try seeks to im­prove its so­cio-eco­nom­ic, se­cu­ri­ty and po­lit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion.

Conille told a news con­fer­ence that the ob­jec­tive of his mis­sion was to es­tab­lish new part­ner­ships with oth­er coun­tries, in­clud­ing the UAE and to meet with Kenyan Pres­i­dent William Ru­to, to help him raise aware­ness among the in­ter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty about the ur­gency of the mul­ti­fac­eted cri­sis in Haiti.

He said “in the com­ing weeks,” 600 new Kenyan po­lice of­fi­cers will be de­ployed to Haiti, as part of the MSS.

Kenya has been lead­ing the MSS un­der a Unit­ed Na­tions Se­cu­ri­ty Coun­cil sanc­tioned man­date as Haiti seeks to deal with an up­surge in crim­i­nal gang ac­tiv­i­ties ever since the as­sas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Jovenel Moi­se at his pri­vate res­i­dence in Ju­ly, 2021.

“I am pleased to an­nounce that an ad­di­tion­al 600 Kenyan po­lice of­fi­cers are com­plet­ing their pre-de­ploy­ment train­ing and will be ready for du­ty next month,” Pres­i­dent Ru­to told re­porters last week,  call­ing on the in­ter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty to “ur­gent­ly” ral­ly be­hind the MSS that is al­so fac­ing a lack of fund­ing.

Prime Min­is­ter Conille said he is con­fi­dent that oth­er coun­tries in the re­gion will fol­low suit.

In its state­ment, the RBDF pro­vid­ed de­tails on the ex­pect­ed task of the Ba­hami­an sol­diers, which in­clude mar­itime pa­trols, port se­cu­ri­ty, pre­vent­ing il­le­gal mi­gra­tion, coun­ter­ing il­lic­it traf­fick­ing and in­tel­li­gence co­op­er­a­tion.

It al­so not­ed that du­ties in­clude “con­tribut­ing to the over­all safe­ty of the Caribbean by ad­dress­ing desta­bi­liz­ing il­lic­it ac­tiv­i­ties” and “cre­at­ing a se­cure en­vi­ron­ment to en­able peace­ful po­lit­i­cal process­es, align­ing with broad­er ef­forts to re­store Haiti’s po­lit­i­cal sta­bil­i­ty”.

“This RBDF de­ploy­ment is no­table not on­ly for its mis­sion but al­so for the ground­break­ing in­clu­sion of the first-ever fe­male RBDF of­fi­cer to be de­ployed on an in­ter­na­tion­al mis­sion, a mile­stone mo­ment that re­flects The Ba­hamas’ com­mit­ment to gen­der equal­i­ty and lead­er­ship with­in its armed forces,” the RBDF said.

“The team’s ex­per­tise spans sev­er­al ar­eas cru­cial to the mis­sion’s suc­cess, in­clud­ing con­duct and dis­ci­pline, com­mand head­quar­ters as­sis­tance, op­er­a­tions, and ad­min­is­tra­tion.”

Prime Min­is­ter Philip Brave Davis and oth­er se­nior gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials at­tend­ed the of­fi­cial send-off of the of­fi­cers over the last week­end.

“Al­though Prime Min­is­ter Davis did not make any of­fi­cial re­marks at the send-off, his pres­ence un­der­scored the Ba­hami­an gov­ern­ment’s ded­i­ca­tion to sup­port­ing re­gion­al se­cu­ri­ty and pro­mot­ing peace in the Caribbean,” the RBDF said.

“The com­mit­ment to this mis­sion re­flects the broad­er lead­er­ship of The Ba­hamas in sup­port­ing its neigh­bours in times of need.

“This de­ploy­ment serves as a tes­ta­ment to the re­silience and uni­ty of the Ba­hami­an peo­ple and re­in­forces The Ba­hamas’ long­stand­ing tra­di­tion of of­fer­ing a help­ing hand to its neigh­bours in times of cri­sis,” the RBDF added.

NAS­SAU, Ba­hamas, Oct 21, CMC –



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