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Monday, March 10, 2025

Bandits steal computers, cash from law chambers


Shastri Boodan
1238 days ago

Com­put­ers, cash and hand sani­tis­ers were among items stolen from the law cham­bers of at­tor­neys Dave Per­sad and Naren­dra Latch­man at Car­los Street, Cou­va, on Sun­day night.

Ban­dits broke in­to the two-storey build­ing by en­ter­ing through a ven­ti­la­tion win­dow placed over a toi­let on the west­ern side of the build­ing.

The rob­bers trashed the place and stole a com­put­er and mon­i­tor in Per­sad’s of­fice and a mon­i­tor from Latch­man’s of­fice. Both de­vices were in­stalled to con­duct vir­tu­al court ses­sions. The per­pe­tra­tors al­so re­moved a small quan­ti­ty of cash, hand sani­tis­er, Lysol and wa­ter.

Per­sad said he was ap­palled by the rob­bery. He said he could not make any state­ment and not­ed that the mat­ter is be­ing in­ves­ti­gat­ed by the po­lice. How­ev­er, he said he found it strange that a store sell­ing com­put­ers on the first floor of the build­ing that hous­es his law cham­bers was not touched.

Per­sad was one of the first to raise is­sues over the Po­lice Serv­cie Com­mis­sion’s fail­ure to seek Par­lia­men­tary ap­proval for the act­ing ap­point­ment of Gary Grif­fith as Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice, as Grif­fith was not a serv­ing of­fi­cer when he was first ap­point­ed.

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