Opposition MP Vasant Bharath says the Government was forced to increase taxes because it was in recession.
Contributing to yesterday's debate on the Provisional Collection of Taxes Order in the Lower House yesterday, Bharath said the Government had "wasted the windfall of another boom–this time the gas boom.
"The money done and the only place to (now) go and get it from those people (taxpayers) out there...That's what has happened."
He said the T&T economy was bankrupt and "we're now mortgaging our children's future to pay for this government's financial indiscretion."
He added that the data show that the country was in recession:
n Manufacturing down by ten per cent.
n Retail sales down by seven per cent.
n House prices down by seven per cent.
n New motor vehicle sales down by 40 per cent.
Bharath said instead of responding to this crisis in a mature and responsible way, the Government decided to tax the population.
He added that despite the recession, the Government continued its wild spending.
Bharath added that for the first time in 17 years, the economy was expected to contract.
"All of this taxing on individuals and organisations is because of their reckless financial discipline," he added.
He said T&T was currently paying $4 billion worth in interest on its debt. Bharath said the increased taxes on alcohol and cigarette would adversely affect the pensioners and other elderly people in the country.
He said money from those people should not be taken away and they should be allowed to spend in on whatever they wanted. RL