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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Booms placed at rivers to stop oil spill in Guayaguayare


Radhica De Silva
756 days ago
Oil booms are placed at this river mouth to prevent oil from entering the sea after another oil spill developed at Guayaguayare Oilfields, where a 10-inch trunk pipeline developed a leak causing thick crude oil to spill into a tributary.

Oil booms are placed at this river mouth to prevent oil from entering the sea after another oil spill developed at Guayaguayare Oilfields, where a 10-inch trunk pipeline developed a leak causing thick crude oil to spill into a tributary.





Oil con­tain­ment booms have been placed along the Liz­zard and Pi­lote Rivers, in Guayagua­yare, fol­low­ing Sat­ur­day’s oil spill at the Guayagua­yare Oil­fields, Ma­yaro.

Booms spat­tered with oil were seen at the side of the Guayagua­yare Main Road when Guardian Me­dia vis­it­ed the area on Mon­day. There was no ev­i­dence of it reach­ing the sea.

In an in­ter­view, MP Rush­ton Paray called on Her­itage Pe­tro­le­um to in­spect its in­fra­struc­ture and re­place its age­ing lines.

The 10-inch trunk pipeline de­vel­oped a leak caus­ing thick crude oil to spill in­to a trib­u­tary which con­nects to the Pi­lote Riv­er in Guayagua­yare.

The area where the leak oc­curred is about two kilo­me­tres in­to the for­est to the back of Fer­ri­er Cir­cu­lar in Guayagua­yare.

The line has al­ready been clamped but a pool of oil re­mains.

Speak­ing to Guardian Me­dia, Paray said he was con­cerned that if rain fell and the oil is not mopped up ex­pe­di­tious­ly, it could spread down­stream and cause prob­lems for res­i­dents who live near the Sea­wall.

Paray said this is the sec­ond leak which de­vel­oped in re­cent times as an­oth­er spill was re­port­ed in Ju­ly last year.

He said so far the oil spill pos­es no di­rect im­pact on com­mu­ni­ties but he called on Her­itage to work swift­ly to clean up the area.

“Overnight, I un­der­stand Her­itage re­spond­ed. The spill is not large but is of con­cern be­cause of the prox­im­i­ty to the riv­er,” Paray said.

He ex­plained that the is­sue of the in­tegri­ty of as­sets that fall un­der Her­itage and Paria has been raised in Par­lia­ment.

“We are con­cerned about their abil­i­ty to man­age age­ing in­fra­struc­ture and their as­sets in terms of health and safe­ty,” Paray said.

He added: “We do not want for book­keep­ing pur­pos­es these com­pa­nies are re­port­ing huge prof­its but then they’re not spend­ing mon­ey on safe­ty.”

He said sev­er­al years ago, there was one van and four fire ex­tin­guish­ers for the Guayaguare oil­field and no fire truck, but that is­sue was lat­er re­solved. 

“We are hop­ing that they are not cut­ting cor­ners when it comes to main­te­nance, the in­tegri­ty of pipelines and the in­tegri­ty of farms. That is the con­cern to us and it is a red flag we are rais­ing,” Paray said.

In a state­ment, Her­itage con­firmed it has clamped the leak­ing line. It not­ed that the iden­ti­fied leak was not close to any pop­u­lat­ed com­mu­ni­ties so there was no di­rect im­pact.

“Her­itage’s Oil Spill Re­sponse Team im­me­di­ate­ly mo­bilised re­sources for con­tain­ment and re­cov­ery of the spilt hy­dro­car­bons, and com­mence­ment of restora­tion of the im­pact­ed area. Wildlife sur­veil­lance and res­cue crews were al­so de­ployed to sur­vey and as­sess the area,” the state­ment said.

In keep­ing with its oil spill re­sponse pro­to­cols, Her­itage said: “it al­so con­tin­ues to un­der­take in­ter­mit­tent air qual­i­ty test­ing with­in the af­fect­ed area.”

So far the lev­els con­tin­ue to read with­in ac­cept­able pa­ra­me­ters, the com­pa­ny added.

Both the Min­istry of En­er­gy and En­er­gy In­dus­tries (MEEI) and the En­vi­ron­men­tal Man­age­ment Au­thor­i­ty (EMA) are in­formed of the oil spill and Her­itage said it will con­tin­ue to mon­i­tor the in­ci­dent.

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