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Monday, March 3, 2025

Browne says no statute of limitations on SORT issues


333 days ago
Minister of Foreign and Caricom Affairs Amery Browne

Minister of Foreign and Caricom Affairs Amery Browne


The Unit­ed States’ find­ings that ex-po­lice com­mis­sion­er Gary Grif­fith’s Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team (SORT) was deemed cul­pa­ble of gross vi­o­la­tion of hu­man rights isn’t a mat­ter that will go away based on Grif­fith’s pen­chant for trad­ing in­sults with pub­lic of­fi­cials, says For­eign and Cari­com Af­fairs Min­is­ter Amery Browne

“It will not be erased by any of his usu­al and con­stant chat­ter and de­flec­tion,” Browne said yes­ter­day, main­tain­ing Tues­day’s state­ments made by him­self and Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Fitzger­ald Hinds about Grif­fith.

And Browne has point­ed out there is no ap­plic­a­ble statute of lim­i­ta­tions on is­sues which Grif­fith may see as “old” mat­ters.

Browne and Hinds spoke at a me­dia con­fer­ence on Tues­day, re­spond­ing to state­ments by Grif­fith in a T&T Guardian ar­ti­cle. Af­ter Browne and Hinds spoke, Grif­fith re­spond­ed in an­oth­er state­ment, which in­clud­ed him claim­ing Browne gave “mis­in­for­ma­tion” and that SORT nev­er re­ceived fund­ing from the US gov­ern­ment. He chal­lenged both min­is­ters to prove oth­er­wise

But Browne yes­ter­day main­tained, “The facts are that the SORT unit that Grif­fith tri­umphed as his ‘brain­child’ has been deemed cul­pa­ble of gross vi­o­la­tions of hu­man rights by the gov­ern­ment of the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca, and as a re­sult, that gov­ern­ment pro­ceed­ed to take mea­sures against T&T un­der the Leahy pro­vi­sions. They com­mu­ni­cat­ed this to Trinidad and To­ba­go via of­fi­cial diplo­mat­ic cor­re­spon­dence.

“It is de­plorable that some­one who seeks ad­di­tion­al pub­lic of­fice would be so brazen in try­ing to min­imise the very se­ri­ous im­pli­ca­tions of such find­ings, and these most re­cent re­ac­tions by Grif­fith fur­ther un­der­score his ab­solute un­suit­abil­i­ty. This is not a mat­ter that will go away based on Grif­fith’s pen­chant for trad­ing in­sults with pub­lic of­fi­cials.

Browne con­tin­ued, “It does not help Grif­fith’s cause to claim that these are old mat­ters be­cause there is no ap­plic­a­ble statute of lim­i­ta­tions. Grif­fith’s term as Com­mis­sion­er ran from 2018 to 2021, and his cur­rent ut­ter­ances seem aimed at white­wash­ing gross vi­o­la­tions of hu­man rights that oc­curred un­der his tenure by la­belling them as ‘old mat­ters’. In­deed, his flawed de­f­i­n­i­tion of what con­sti­tutes old mat­ters would cov­er every­thing (pos­i­tive or neg­a­tive) that he claimed dur­ing his tenure, which end­ed three years ago.”

Min­is­ters fight­ing po­lit­i­cal op­po­nent - Jayan­ti

How­ev­er at a UNC me­dia brief­ing yes­ter­day, Sen­a­tor Jayan­ti Lutch­me­di­al-Ram­di­al said while noth­ing from Hinds sur­pris­es her any­more, she found it strange that “some­one of the cal­i­bre of Dr Amery Browne would par­tic­i­pate in the dis­sem­i­na­tion of in­for­ma­tion that was sup­posed to be in a diplo­mat­ic note, now, some years lat­er, in or­der to have en­gaged in some tit-for-tat/he say-she say with Gary Grif­fith”.

She said the Gov­ern­ment’s “tit for tat” with Grif­fith is a form of de­flec­tion from their fail­ure to deal with crime. But she want­ed to hear about se­ri­ous is­sues like what’s be­ing done to pre­serve the in­tegri­ty of in­tel­li­gence col­lect­ed by the Strate­gic Ser­vices Agency (SSA).

Lutch­me­di­al-Ram­di­al added, “Hinds will say he doesn’t know what’s go­ing on with the SSA a week af­ter he said he didn’t know about the RAU what Hinds doesn’t know isn’t the ques­tion - what does he know? He seems to know noth­ing, he feigns ig­no­rance on every­thing, but then he’ll mount a plat­form to talk about every­thing he knows about his now-po­lit­i­cal op­po­nent Gary Grif­fith.”

Con­tact­ed yes­ter­day, po­lit­i­cal an­a­lyst Dr Bish­nu Ra­goonath said he felt the news con­fer­ence by the two min­is­ters was them giv­ing their per­spec­tive to Grif­fith’s views.

“We al­so have to look at if they’re in the process of cam­paign­ing for their per­spec­tive and what they’ll say in try­ing to counter Grif­fith’s views, since the PNM is prob­a­bly tak­ing him a lit­tle more se­ri­ous now than pre­vi­ous­ly,” Ra­goonath said.

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