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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Chaguanas traffic plan scrapped


Shastri Boodan
1526 days ago
One of the areas by the Price Plaza Roundabout, Chaguanas where the traffic has been reverted.

One of the areas by the Price Plaza Roundabout, Chaguanas where the traffic has been reverted.

Shirley Bahadur

Shas­tri Boodan

The Ch­agua­nas Bor­ough Cor­po­ra­tion has scrapped parts of its traf­fic plan. How­ev­er, May­or Faaiq Mo­hammed said traf­fic would still be able to flow east along Eleanor Street and ex­it to the north and south on to the South­ern Main Road and sub­se­quent­ly on to the Ch­agua­nas Main Road if pro­ceed­ing north af­ter ex­it­ing Eleanor Street. He said traf­fic leav­ing Marc Street would still be able to cross the Ch­agua­nas Main Road and en­ter in­to Tri­al Street.

The may­or said the plan to al­low traf­fic to en­ter the En­deav­our over­pass af­ter ex­it­ing the Price Plaza Round­about has been scrapped. He said while this was work­ing it was caus­ing a back­log of traf­fic along Rod­ney Road in the vicin­i­ty of the round­about near ANSA Mc AL com­plex .

He said this was al­so caus­ing a back­log of traf­fic along the Mon­trose Main Road that fil­ters through Lange Park to ac­cess the high­way.

He said the one way traf­fic in the area of Chan Ram­lal Street has al­so been re­vert­ed.

Mo­hammed said this was done af­ter dis­cus­sions with the Min­istry of Works. He said in the new year plans would be dis­cussed for the En­deav­our Over­pass and the Chan Ram­lal area.

Mo­hammed said the ex­ist­ing road­ways can­not cope with the vol­ume of traf­fic and more roads and lay-bys are need­ed to al­low traf­fic to ex­it on to the high­way.

Mo­hammed said he wrote to the Min­is­ter of Works re­quest­ing a lay-by be in­stalled at Mulchan Sieuchan Road for traf­fic to ex­it on to the North Bound lane of the High­way. He said this would ease the con­ges­tion near the Med­ford Gas Sta­tion and al­low a quick­er ex­it on to the north­bound lane for mo­torist com­ing from Lange Park and ar­eas in Ch­agua­nas East and al­low for a faster flow to the high­way from down­town Ch­agua­nas and the Or­chard Gar­dens area.

Mo­hammed said an over­pass was al­so need­ed in the Brent­wood area to al­low com­muters from Ed­in­burgh 500 ac­cess to both lanes of the high­way.

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