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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Church donates to hospital


1527 days ago
The world mission society of God group : Saving the world from A to Z Deacon Micheal Duncan, left, shows a thank u letter to nurse Alicia Cazoe, Customer Relation Officer Maria Neaves, nurse Michelle Phillip-Duncan and doctor Dr Paul Anthony Parkinson, second from right. during the presentation of Care Packages for Healthcare Woekers, Responding to COVID-19.

The world mission society of God group : Saving the world from A to Z Deacon Micheal Duncan, left, shows a thank u letter to nurse Alicia Cazoe, Customer Relation Officer Maria Neaves, nurse Michelle Phillip-Duncan and doctor Dr Paul Anthony Parkinson, second from right. during the presentation of Care Packages for Healthcare Woekers, Responding to COVID-19.



One hun­dred care pack­ages were hand­ed out to health care work­ers yes­ter­day by the World Mis­sion So­ci­ety Church of God vol­un­teer or­gan­i­sa­tion, ASEZ WAO.

The group de­liv­ered the pack­ages at the Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal, the Ox­ford Street Health Cen­tre and the Diego Mar­tin Health Cen­tre.

“We know of­ten­times that work goes un­seen and many of the peo­ple who are bat­tling this pan­dem­ic from the health care side. It’s even hurt­ing them phys­i­cal­ly in their lives.

“We want to show them that we ap­pre­ci­ate them and we see them and even though we can­not do much but what we can do we want to do some­thing to show our ap­pre­ci­a­tion,” said Dea­con Michael Dun­can at the Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal yes­ter­day.

The pack­ages in­clud­ed en­cour­ag­ing let­ters, hand sani­tis­ers and snacks.

The group said it was their way of shar­ing love to the work­ers who had been on the front­line of the pan­dem­ic.

“We have a let­ter of thanks and in the let­ter, each let­ter is in­di­vid­ual, it’s unique and it’s from the hearts of the mem­bers who wrote these let­ters and wants each in­di­vid­ual work­er to know that we tru­ly ac­knowl­edge and care about what they are do­ing,” said Michael Dun­can.

ASEZ WAO, which stands for ‘Sav­ing The Earth From A To Z We Are One Fam­i­ly’, is an in­ter­na­tion­al or­gan­i­sa­tion with a pres­ence in 175 coun­tries around the world.

They were ex­pect­ed to have sim­i­lar events across the globe.

Chan­tal Thomas, a mem­ber of the group, said the pack­ages were an at­tempt to share love to the work­ers.

“Right now we can’t give hugs and we can’t hold hands but through each let­ter that the bags con­tains like lit­tle goody good­ies and al­so en­cour­age­ment let­ters and just let­ters of ap­pre­ci­a­tion. We hope that could warm their hands just to show that we are thank­ful,” said Thomas.

About 60 pack­ages were hand­ed out at the Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal with the re­main­der be­ing hand­ed it out at the oth­er health cen­tres.

Min­is­ter of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Stu­art Young was list­ed to at­tend the short han­dover cer­e­mo­ny at the hos­pi­tal but was not present. Church of­fi­cials said they were un­able to con­tact him yes­ter­day morn­ing.

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