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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Comedians join forces to laugh for legend Tommy Joseph


Kejan Haynes
921 days ago
Veteran comedian Kenneth Supersad, left, and newcomer Jerome Richardson perform together at ‘Laughs for a Legend’ at Kafe Blue in Port-of-Spain on Thursday night. The proceeds from the show went to assist ailing comedian Tommy Joseph.

Veteran comedian Kenneth Supersad, left, and newcomer Jerome Richardson perform together at ‘Laughs for a Legend’ at Kafe Blue in Port-of-Spain on Thursday night. The proceeds from the show went to assist ailing comedian Tommy Joseph.


Co­me­di­ans from around the coun­try came to­geth­er at Kafe Blue in Port-of-Spain on Thurs­day night for a ben­e­fit con­cert called “Laughs for a Leg­end,” in aid of the ail­ing vet­er­an co­me­di­an Tom­my Joseph.

Tick­ets were $40 but hats were passed around to col­lect tips as well.

“We want­ed to give back,” said Louris Mar­tin Lee-Sing, who or­gan­ised the event as part of the ‘Laugh on the Ave’ rov­ing stand-up com­e­dy show.

“Tom­my Joseph is some­body that we all have seen grow­ing up, just an in­spi­ra­tion to pret­ty much all of us. Some­one who beat re­al hard for us to be here to be do­ing stand-up com­e­dy ex­clu­sive­ly and hav­ing sold-out shows. It’s be­cause of peo­ple like Tom­my Joseph or Er­rol Fabi­an.

“So every sin­gle cent of this evening’s pro­ceeds is go­ing to­wards Tom­my’s med­ical care,” Lee-Sing said.

Joseph suf­fered a stroke around Au­gust 14 and has been re­cov­er­ing slow­ly, ac­cord­ing to his wife, Judy Joseph.

Joseph was in­vit­ed to Thurs­day’s cel­e­bra­tion of her hus­band but was un­able to at­tend.

“She’s stay­ing at home to take care of him and we do ap­pre­ci­ate that she al­lowed us to have this show for Tom­my,” said Lee-Sing

“We’ve been re­al­ly over­whelmed by the love. Our fel­low co­me­di­ans have shown us by com­ing out and giv­ing up them­selves for free tonight, and let me tell you some­thing eh, co­me­di­ans don’t like to work for free!”

The show fea­tured first-time stand-up comics as part of the open mic night, as well as emerg­ing comics, so­cial me­dia stars like Kee­vo and long-time vet­er­ans like Ken­neth Su­per­sad.

Mid­way through the show, host Jr Lee, who al­so hosts CNC3’s What Tong Say, told the au­di­ence they’d raised just over $5,000 but they were work­ing to­ward a goal of $11,000. The fi­nal tal­ly came in at $7,640, which was de­liv­ered to the co­me­di­an’s wife yes­ter­day.

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