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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Cops need DNA test to ID body found in burnt car


Kevon Felmine
758 days ago
Mother of three Danette Pierre, who has been missing since January 27.

Mother of three Danette Pierre, who has been missing since January 27.

Homi­cide de­tec­tives say while there are grounds to sus­pect that the re­mains found in a burnt car in Clax­ton Bay on Jan­u­ary 28 might be those of Danette Pierre, they will need a DNA test to con­firm the iden­ti­ty of the per­son.

Pierre, 31, a moth­er of three, has been miss­ing since Jan­u­ary 27, af­ter she left her fam­i­ly’s rent­ed apart­ment in Pe­tit Morne Set­tle­ment, Ste Madeleine.

Her moth­er, Don­na Pierre, 63, said Pierre went to “make a turn.”

Pierre left the apart­ment wear­ing a pair of blue jeans, a jer­sey and a “crin­kled” light blue shirt, slip­pers and a brown purse.

Don­na said she did not hear a ve­hi­cle to sug­gest that some­one picked her up.

The fol­low­ing day, a pass­er-by re­port­ed a car was on fire on a dirt track off Cedar Hill Road, Clax­ton Bay. Po­lice ar­rived at the scene, saw a Maz­da 3 ablaze, and con­tact­ed the Cou­va Fire Sta­tion. When fire­fight­ers ex­tin­guished the flames, they found charred hu­man re­mains in the back seat. Po­lice traced the car to some­one in San­gre Grande who pre­vi­ous­ly re­port­ed it stolen.

Of­fi­cers did not find Pierre’s mo­bile phone. Po­lice found jew­ellery at the crime scene that re­sem­bled Pierre’s, but no one has iden­ti­fied them.

The pathol­o­gist who ex­am­ined the re­mains at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre said the dam­age was too bad to de­ter­mine the gen­der of the vic­tim. There­fore, the cen­tre needs de­oxyri­bonu­cle­ic acid (DNA) analy­sis to de­ter­mine the vic­tim’s iden­ti­ty. In­ves­ti­ga­tors re­quest­ed sam­ples from Pierre’s fam­i­ly and are await­ing their re­sponse.

Pierre pre­vi­ous­ly lived in St James and Good­wood Park be­fore mov­ing to Ste Madeleine.

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