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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Diego Martin West constituency exec pays tribute to Dr Rowley


Andrea Perez Sobers
81 days ago
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley  at a press conference held on Friday, at the Office Of The Prime Minister Central Administrative Service , Tobago.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley at a press conference held on Friday, at the Office Of The Prime Minister Central Administrative Service , Tobago.


The Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) Diego Mar­tin West con­stituen­cy ex­ec­u­tive is as­sur­ing that a process of seam­less suc­ces­sion, guid­ed by its or­ga­ni­za­tion’s con­sti­tu­tion will be at play fol­low­ing the an­nounce­ment by Prime Min­is­ter and Diego Mar­tin West MP Dr Kei­th Row­ley to step down by the end of the term.

Yes­ter­day, Prime Min­is­ter Row­ley made the an­nounce­ment at a news con­fer­ence in To­ba­go that he had called to ad­dress mat­ters re­lat­ed to the on­go­ing state of emer­gency.

This af­ter­noon, the PNM’s Diego Mar­tin West Con­stituen­cy is­sued a me­dia re­lease stat­ing that un­der Dr. Row­ley’s lead­er­ship, par­ty busi­ness will be con­duct­ed with­out a rip­ple, and a smooth tran­si­tion will be achieved.

“We re­main stead­fast­ly fo­cused on ad­dress­ing the needs of the com­mu­ni­ties we’ve served since 1956.”

The re­lease stat­ed that Dr. Row­ley’s tenure was de­fined by com­plex­i­ty—wo­ven with strength, re­silience, vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, and un­re­lent­ing com­mit­ment to the peo­ple of T&T and the po­lit­i­cal par­ty that built a na­tion.

“His lead­er­ship was nev­er about avoid­ing chal­lenges but meet­ing them head-on, of­ten with a stead­fast re­solve that in­spired ad­mi­ra­tion and de­bate. In nav­i­gat­ing tur­bu­lent times, Dr. Row­ley un­der­stood that lead­er­ship is not about per­fec­tion but progress.

For many, his jour­ney may have been po­lar­iz­ing at times. How­ev­er, it is es­sen­tial to un­der­stand that lead­er­ship re­quires courage and com­plex­i­ty, es­pe­cial­ly in try­ing cir­cum­stances,” it fur­ther stat­ed.

The Diego Mar­tin Con­stituen­cy added “As we face the chal­lenges of an in­creas­ing­ly un­cer­tain world, we ho­n­our his ser­vice and are re­mind­ed of his call for uni­ty and re­silience. Let us draw from his ex­am­ple in fac­ing chal­lenges head-on as we as­pire to a more uni­fied, hope­ful to­mor­row for all.”


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