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Friday, March 14, 2025

Emerging from isolation, Biden urges Americans to get shots


961 days ago
President Joe Biden arrives to speak in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, July 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

President Joe Biden arrives to speak in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, July 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)



WASH­ING­TON (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden on Wednes­day emerged from five days of iso­la­tion af­ter con­tract­ing the coro­n­avirus, telling Amer­i­cans that “COVID isn’t gone” but say­ing se­ri­ous ill­ness can be avoid­ed with vac­cines, boost­er shoots and treat­ments.

“You don’t need to be pres­i­dent to get these tools,” he said.

Biden had a mild bout with the virus that has killed mil­lions of peo­ple around the world and dis­rupt­ed dai­ly life for more than two years.

“God bless you all, and now I get to go back to the Oval Of­fice,” he said as he fin­ished his re­marks in the Rose Gar­den and re­turned to the West Wing.

Biden test­ed neg­a­tive for the virus on Tues­day night and Wednes­day morn­ing.

“Back to the Oval,” Biden tweet­ed af­ter the White House re­leased the lat­est dai­ly up­date from his doc­tor con­firm­ing that he was clear to end the iso­la­tion pe­ri­od that is re­quired af­ter some­one tests pos­i­tive for the coro­n­avirus.

Biden’s tweet in­clud­ed a pho­to of a rapid COVID-19 test with the line show­ing a neg­a­tive re­sult.

“Thanks to Doc for the good care, and to all of you for your sup­port,” the pres­i­dent’s tweet said.

Biden, 79, test­ed pos­i­tive last week. He con­tin­ued to work dur­ing iso­la­tion, hold­ing meet­ings vir­tu­al­ly and ad­dress­ing groups through record­ed mes­sages.

Dr. Kevin O’Con­nor, Biden’s physi­cian, wrote in Wednes­day’s up­date that the pres­i­dent had com­plet­ed a five-day course of Paxlovid, an an­ti-vi­ral drug used to treat COVID-19. Biden re­mains free of fever and had not used Tylenol in the past 36 hours.

Biden’s symp­toms were al­most “com­plete­ly re­solved,” O’Con­nor re­port­ed.

“Giv­en these re­as­sur­ing fac­tors, the pres­i­dent will dis­con­tin­ue his strict iso­la­tion mea­sures,” the doc­tor wrote.

Biden plans to wear a “well-fit­ting” face mask for five more days any­time he is around oth­ers.

Joe BrownCOVID-19United StatesUnited States of America

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