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Sunday, March 2, 2025

ERHA resumes community consultations


885 days ago

The East­ern Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty (ER­HA)  has re­sumed com­mu­ni­ty con­sul­ta­tions. The pur­pose of these con­sul­ta­tions is to give mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty the op­por­tu­ni­ty to meet with man­age­ment where they are up­dat­ed on the achieve­ments and oth­er de­vel­op­ments with­in the Au­thor­i­ty. Res­i­dents are al­so en­cour­aged to share their views and dis­cuss ways to im­prove the health ser­vices be­ing of­fered.

The fol­low­ing is a press re­lease from the ER­HA:  

The ER­HA recog­nis­es that feed­back is one of the most ef­fec­tive tools in a man­ag­er’s tool kit and has re­sumed Com­mu­ni­ty Con­sul­ta­tions with ef­fect from Sep­tem­ber 14, 2022 to No­vem­ber 10, 2022 in our sev­en­teen (17) health fa­cil­i­ties.  

The meet­ings pro­vide an ad­di­tion­al av­enue for mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty to meet the man­age­ment team to re­ceive up­dates on the achieve­ments and oth­er de­vel­op­ments with­in the Au­thor­i­ty. They are al­so en­cour­aged to share their views and dis­cuss ways to im­prove the health ser­vices be­ing of­fered.  

To date res­i­dents from Va­len­cia, Cu­mu­to, Sans Souci, Rio Claro, San­gre Grande, Ma­yaro and Cumana have come for­ward and stat­ed their con­cerns and of­fered their sug­ges­tions and prais­es es­pe­cial­ly for the ded­i­ca­tion and com­mit­ment of staff re­spond­ing to the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic.  

Com­mon con­cerns raised cen­tered around short­age of park­ing at heav­i­ly utilised health fa­cil­i­ties in San­gre Grande, rein­tro­duc­tion of the Well­ness Cen­tres and ac­cess­ing med­ica­tion when it is not avail­able on site. Mem­bers of the man­age­ment team led by Mr. Ronald Tsoi-a-Fatt, Chief Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer re­spond­ed to the ques­tions and in­formed that ad­di­tion­al park­ing will be­come avail­able with the open­ing of the New San­gre Grande Hos­pi­tal in 2023. 

It was al­so stat­ed that the Well­ness Cen­tres were re­opened and Well­ness Fairs are be­ing host­ed in each com­mu­ni­ty. Per­sons were al­so in­formed that in­ter fa­cil­i­ty arrange­ments will be made to de­liv­er med­ica­tions from one fa­cil­i­ty to an­oth­er to pro­vide easy ac­cess to clients. Mem­bers of the pub­lic were al­so up­dat­ed on a new process to reengi­neer the client re­fer­ral sys­tem for ad­di­tion­al health ser­vices.  

This in­volves the fa­cil­i­ty staff li­ais­ing with the rel­e­vant de­part­ments with­in the Au­thor­i­ty to get the con­firmed ap­point­ments for the re­quired ser­vice on be­half of the clients. Mr. Ronald Tsoi-a-Fatt thanked the clients for pro­vid­ing in­for­ma­tion to clar­i­fy what is re­quired to meet their needs and for their in­ter­ests in part­ner­ing with the ER­HA to im­prove the de­liv­ery of health­care in the com­mu­ni­ty. He stat­ed that from dis­cus­sions such as these ideas are gen­er­at­ed to change weak­ness­es in­to strengths and threats in­to op­por­tu­ni­ties 

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