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Sunday, March 2, 2025

ERHA welcomes Christmas babies


432 days ago
L to R – Avianne Arrindell, Midwife; Glennis Francis, Nursing Supervisor; Keisha Pritchard, Manager for Hospital Administration; and Amy Ali, Manager for Para-Clinical Services (right), present Safiyyah Singh with a hamper filled with baby products.  Safiyyah Singh’s son, Siddiq, was the first baby born on Christmas Day at the Sangre Grande Hospital. [Image courtesy ERHA]

L to R – Avianne Arrindell, Midwife; Glennis Francis, Nursing Supervisor; Keisha Pritchard, Manager for Hospital Administration; and Amy Ali, Manager for Para-Clinical Services (right), present Safiyyah Singh with a hamper filled with baby products. Safiyyah Singh’s son, Siddiq, was the first baby born on Christmas Day at the Sangre Grande Hospital. [Image courtesy ERHA]

Staff at the East­ern Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty (ER­HA) joined with moth­ers on the Ma­ter­ni­ty Ward to wel­come their ba­bies on Christ­mas Day.

An of­fi­cial state­ment from the ER­HA re­ports that Safiyyah Singh was the first moth­er to give birth to her son Sid­diq at 2:06 am on Christ­mas Day, at the San­gre Grande Hos­pi­tal. The healthy ba­by boy weighed 2.96 kilo­grammes (6.53 pounds), and was de­liv­ered by Avianne Ar­rindell, Mid­wife.

Sacha Mar­shall al­so gave birth at the hos­pi­tal to her son Kaelem at 5:38 am.  He weighed 3.005 kilo­grammes (6.6 pounds), and was de­liv­ered by Mu­mi­nah Ab­dul-Ba­sit, Mid­wife.

Keisha Pritchard, Manager for Hospital Administration presents Sacha Marshall with a bag filled with baby products. Sascha Marshall’s son Kaelem was the second baby born on Christmas Day at the Sangre Grande Hospital. [Image courtesy ERHA]

Keisha Pritchard, Manager for Hospital Administration presents Sacha Marshall with a bag filled with baby products. Sascha Marshall’s son Kaelem was the second baby born on Christmas Day at the Sangre Grande Hospital. [Image courtesy ERHA]

The ER­HA’s Man­ag­er of Para-Clin­i­cal, Amy Ali; Man­ag­er of Hos­pi­tal Ad­min­is­tra­tion, Keisha Pritchard; and Nurs­ing Su­per­vi­sor, Glen­nis Fran­cis, all took the op­por­tu­ni­ty to con­grat­u­late Safiyyah Singh on her bounc­ing ba­by boy.  They pre­sent­ed her with a ham­per filled with ba­by prod­ucts.

Oth­er moth­ers on the ward al­so were pre­sent­ed with gift bags con­tain­ing ba­by prod­ucts.

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