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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Erica now unhappy

with new apartment


2637 days ago
Erica Joseph and her husband Wendell at their new HDC home in Charford Court, Port-of-Spain, earlier this month.

Erica Joseph and her husband Wendell at their new HDC home in Charford Court, Port-of-Spain, earlier this month.

Abraham Diaz

Af­ter three weeks liv­ing at her new apart­ment at Char­ford Court in Port-of-Spain, am­putee Er­i­ca Joseph says she is not sat­is­fied with the con­di­tions of her home.

Joseph, 57, and her hus­band Wen­dell, 64, a for­mer box­er, were giv­en their sev­enth Hous­ing De­vel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion apart­ment af­ter liv­ing on Bri­an Lara Prom­e­nade and Queen’s Park Sa­van­nah and for the past two years.

In ear­ly No­vem­ber, Joseph said she was hap­py af­ter she re­ceived the keys to her new home.

How­ev­er, in an in­ter­view yes­ter­day, Joseph said at the time she re­ceived the apart­ment she did not want to com­plain.

“They just dump me here and have me drag­ging. They call the me­dia and say they work­ing and when the me­dia gone they pack up the tools and say here not fit for wheel­chair and gone,” she said.

She said since she moved in all her be­long­ings are still packed away.

“The prob­lem is you can’t put away the place...I can’t go to the bath­room,” she said.

Joseph said she has to bathe by the wash-tub be­cause there is no space for the wheel­chair in­side the bath­room.

She said she was will­ing to pay for a big­ger place for her own con­ve­nience.

“I bounc­ing up with the wheel­chair wall to wall. The work­ers said the place was not for wheel­chair. It has no room. Even the doc­tor com­plained it has no room for kitchen. Where the kitchen?” she asked.

She com­plained that at times her hus­band had to fetch wa­ter from the hos­pi­tal to bathe.

Joseph cried and said she felt she was at wit’s end.

“Why they do­ing we this all the time. What I go do now? Look at the trou­ble I in. I can’t eat and my hus­band has to go far to get wa­ter to bathe. Why they dump me here? They go say I don’t want no place. It is the worse,” she said.

She said she did not want to in­con­ve­nience any­one out­side of the apart­ment so she did not open the win­dows.

“I have to de­pend on the fan for breeze. You can’t open the win­dow be­cause peo­ple lim­ing there. You have to keep the win­dow close,” she said.

The Josephs claimed gun­men chased them away from their last HDC home at Tar­o­dale, San Fer­nan­do, in 2015.

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