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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Family identify three killed by police in Mayaro robbery


882 days ago
Police at the scene of the home invasion and  killing of four bandits at the gated Krista Park community in Mayaro on Monday.

Police at the scene of the home invasion and killing of four bandits at the gated Krista Park community in Mayaro on Monday.



Po­lice have iden­ti­fied three of the four ban­dits shot dead dur­ing a shootout at a busi­ness­man’s home in Ma­yaro on Mon­day.

Fam­i­ly mem­bers yes­ter­day iden­ti­fied the corpses of Akel George, 29, of Sec­ond Cale­do­nia, Mor­vant; Keshon Ro­jas, 23, of Ed­in­burgh, Ch­agua­nas and Odel Pri­eto of Covi­gne Road, Diego Mar­tin.

Po­lice are still wait­ing for rel­a­tives to con­firm the iden­ti­ty of the fourth ban­dit.

Mean­while, the search con­tin­ues for three oth­er sus­pects who es­caped dur­ing the shootout.

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice, sev­en ban­dits jumped over the east­ern wall of the gat­ed Krista Park com­mu­ni­ty at Beau­mont Road, Ma­yaro, around 9 am on Mon­day.

They broke in­to the home of a Chi­nese restau­rant own­er, where they bound his 17-year-old son with duct tape.

Po­lice said the busi­ness­man and his wife en­tered their home around 9.15 am and the armed ban­dits ap­proached them. The ban­dits al­so bound their hands and feet.

East­ern Di­vi­sion po­lice, act­ing on in­for­ma­tion, re­spond­ed to the home in­va­sion and ar­rived at the house, where they ob­served the ban­dits ex­it­ing the yard. Up­on see­ing the of­fi­cers, the ban­dits opened fire on them.

The Po­lice Ser­vice said that keep­ing with its Use of Force Pol­i­cy, the of­fi­cers re­turned fire, hit­ting four ban­dits mul­ti­ple times. How­ev­er, the oth­ers es­caped.

Po­lice re­cov­ered a 12-gauge shot­gun, three pis­tols and an air ri­fle from the scene, along with a quan­ti­ty of cash. The of­fi­cers sub­se­quent­ly en­tered the house and res­cued the fam­i­ly.

Min­is­ter of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Fitzger­ald Hinds praised the TTPS dur­ing his con­tri­bu­tion to the 2023 na­tion­al Bud­get de­bate in the Par­lia­ment on Mon­day. Hinds said every­one should note the po­lice’s re­cent great suc­cess­es in its re­sponse to crime.

“You saw it in La Ro­main. You saw it again this morn­ing in Ma­yaro. Every­one in this coun­try must know the po­lice are on high alert, high­ly trained, ready and re­spon­sive, and I want to com­mend the Po­lice Ser­vice for the kind of work in stand­ing in de­fence of the peo­ple of Trinidad & To­ba­go,” Hinds said.

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