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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Farmer’s giant pumpkin generates national interest


Sascha Wilson
636 days ago
Shaheed Ali got help from some farmers on Friday to move the enormous pumpkin out of his garden in Craignish Village, Princes Town.

Shaheed Ali got help from some farmers on Friday to move the enormous pumpkin out of his garden in Craignish Village, Princes Town.

Se­nior Re­porter


Princes Town gar­den­er Sha­heed Ali’s 500-pound pump­kin is ger­mi­nat­ing more at­ten­tion than he ex­pect­ed.

Agri­cul­ture Min­is­ter Kaz­im Ho­sein and Namde­v­co of­fi­cials have al­ready reached out since Guardian Me­dia high­light­ed the hu­mungous veg­etable on Fri­day’s CNC3 news­cast and the front page of Sat­ur­day’s T&T Guardian news­pa­per.

Ali said when he plant­ed the seeds he got from a friend in Flori­da two months ago, he nev­er ex­pect­ed it to grow to that size and he cer­tain­ly did not ex­pect all the at­ten­tion it has been gar­ner­ing.

When he har­vest­ed it on Fri­day, they had to tie a har­ness with a rope at­tached to a pick-up van to drag it from the gar­den at the back of his house to his front yard at Craig­nish Vil­lage.

In a tele­phone in­ter­view yes­ter­day, Ali said the pump­kin at­tract­ed the at­ten­tion of peo­ple pass­ing along the road, peo­ple from the com­mu­ni­ty and oth­er gar­den­ers.

“Peo­ple pass­ing on they say­ing, ‘Wow, look at that big pump­kin’. One per­son said they thought it was plas­tic and then they saw it on the news.”

He said every­one who vis­it­ed took a pho­to with the pump­kin. Ali said the Namde­v­co CEO con­tact­ed him on Sat­ur­day and asked whether he would be in­ter­est­ed in putting it on dis­play at the Ma­coya mar­ket yes­ter­day (Sun­day).

“I said yes, but how I reach­ing up there with a 500-pound pump­kin,” he laughed.

Ali said the of­fi­cial said he would dis­cuss it with his peo­ple and get back to him. He said Min­is­ter Ho­sein al­so con­tact­ed his daugh­ter Joy­ann Ali-Ja­hoor and spoke to her about pos­si­bly putting it on dis­play at a mar­ket.

“It will be nice, but they have to help with the arrange­ments to get it up there,” he said.

How­ev­er, he said time is against them as the pump­kin will even­tu­al­ly de­cay.

Ali said he and his son had ob­served a hole in the pump­kin about an inch and a half deep. Based on the ad­vice of a few gar­den­ers who vis­it­ed him, he cleaned the hole and is en­sur­ing it re­mains dry.

He said his cousin from Amer­i­ca al­so con­tact­ed him. “She said her son, who al­so lives in Amer­i­ca, called her on Sat­ur­day night af­ter see­ing the pump­kin sto­ry on so­cial me­dia. She telling me that this has reached world­wide,” he said.

Fol­low­ing his re­tire­ment in 2017 from Petrotrin, Ali took up gar­den­ing as a hob­by, but he was in­ter­est­ed in grow­ing crops of dif­fer­ent colours and sizes unique to T&T. In his gar­den at present is an 85-pound wa­ter­mel­on which he ex­pects to grow to over 100 pounds by Au­gust.

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