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Friday, March 14, 2025

Father of man killed by cops after grocery robbery: He was only the driver


Shane Superville
49 days ago

Still reel­ing from the mur­der of his son Raphael Gob­in in De­cem­ber, Roger Gob­in says he feels emo­tion­al­ly drained af­ter the death of his sec­ond son Randy Gob­in, af­ter a pur­port­ed shoot-out with po­lice in Ch­agua­nas on Tues­day night.

The younger Gob­in, 20, was one of three men killed by po­lice who re­spond­ed to re­ports of a rob­bery at the Da Hua Su­per­mar­ket in Long­denville.

The men fled the scene in a Toy­ota Axio but were chased by po­lice. Dur­ing the chase, the ban­dits shot at of­fi­cers, who re­turned fire, killing three of the sus­pects.

Dur­ing the chase, the dri­ver of the car lost con­trol and hit a dust­bin be­fore veer­ing off the road.

As of yes­ter­day af­ter­noon, the iden­ti­ties of the oth­er two sus­pects re­mained un­con­firmed.

Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre, St James, yes­ter­day, Gob­in’s fa­ther said he was shocked when a rel­a­tive sent them a pic­ture of his body with in­for­ma­tion sug­gest­ing he was one of the ban­dits who tried to rob the gro­cery. The pic­ture and in­for­ma­tion, he said, were shared in a What­sApp group on Tues­day night.

The el­der Gob­in said his son worked for the Forestry Di­vi­sion and as a part-time me­chan­ic but al­so took pri­vate-hire jobs oc­ca­sion­al­ly.

He urged oth­er dri­vers to be mind­ful of the per­sons who hired them for jobs, as they could be lured in­to dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tions if they were un­aware.

“Bet­ter they don’t do that (take hire jobs). For these young men with their ve­hi­cle out there, for­get peo­ple if they want to hire them to go there. Don’t take no hire work.”

He added, “Po­lice kill my son for noth­ing. Right now I don’t have no feel­ing af­ter los­ing my two sons.”

Gob­in’s fa­ther said he and his son lived in St Joseph, adding he did not recog­nise any of the oth­er men who were killed in the con­fronta­tion with po­lice, as they were like­ly from out­side their com­mu­ni­ty.

Re­call­ing the mur­der of his younger son, 18-year-old Raphael, the el­der Gob­in said he awoke to hear gun­shots on De­cem­ber, 23, 2024, and was told by a rel­a­tive to stay away from the door. Af­ter wait­ing for some time, he went out­side and saw his son’s body on the ground.

Gob­in said he felt Raphael was not the in­tend­ed tar­get of the gun­man.

“I have no mon­ey left, I just buried my last son. I have no mon­ey to bury him (Randy),” he added.

Guardian Me­dia al­so spoke to an­oth­er rel­a­tive at the cen­tre who ac­cused the po­lice of us­ing ex­ces­sive force in re­spond­ing to the rob­bery sus­pects. He al­so urged young men with cars to heed the ad­vice of Gob­in’s fa­ther to avoid tak­ing pri­vate jobs from strangers.

“Bet­ter they go on the road and work taxi rather than take hire work from peo­ple. Look at what hap­pened. My nephew is dead... the po­lice killed my nephew and up to now I can’t un­der­stand what’s go­ing on. I can’t see my nephew’s body or any­thing.”

He said the fam­i­ly was dis­ap­point­ed in the lack of clear in­for­ma­tion and in­struc­tions from the po­lice on the pro­ce­dure for the au­top­sy, as the body was tak­en to the FSC yes­ter­day.

The rel­a­tive said while he was not con­vinced Gob­in was in­volved in any­thing il­le­gal, he still warned him to be mind­ful of the com­pa­ny he kept for his own safe­ty.

The rel­a­tives said Gob­in had in­ten­tions of open­ing a car wash and was al­ready gift­ed some items to be­gin the busi­ness.

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