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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Granny stabbed 16 times but survives attack


153 days ago
The house at Centenary Street, Princes Town, where 82-year-old Emblyn Adams was brutally stabbed 16 times on Wednesday.

The house at Centenary Street, Princes Town, where 82-year-old Emblyn Adams was brutally stabbed 16 times on Wednesday.


Se­nior Re­porter

A Princes Town moth­er had to lock her doors and hide un­der a bed with her chil­dren af­ter a man broke in­to her fam­i­ly home on Tues­day and stabbed 82-year-old Em­blyn Adams 16 times.

Neigh­bours were con­cerned about the in­ci­dent, which oc­curred along Cen­te­nary Street, Princes Town, but it did not sur­prise a few.

While po­lice in­ves­ti­gate the crime as a bur­glary, some res­i­dents said it was not.

A re­port stat­ed that Adams se­cured her home, went to bed around 11 pm on Mon­day and awoke around 12.15 am Tues­day, af­ter she felt some­one over her. She saw a man armed with a knife, who stabbed her sev­er­al times in her ab­domen and on her shoul­der, back and left cheek.

As Adams con­tin­ued her re­cov­ery at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal yes­ter­day, a rel­a­tive told Guardian Me­dia she was asleep in the up­stairs apart­ment when a com­mo­tion jolt­ed her around mid­night. As she peered out of her gallery, she saw a male rel­a­tive run­ning down the street, say­ing to go in­side. She took her chil­dren in­side to hide, think­ing they were in dan­ger.

“When I heard the noise, I said, ‘You all come; go in­side and go un­der the bed.’ The two who were down­stairs had run up­stairs al­ready.”

Min­utes lat­er, her son came up­stairs and in­formed her that some­one had stabbed Adams, who stayed on the ground-floor apart­ment with two of her grand­chil­dren. As the rel­a­tive went down­stairs, she saw blood. She con­tact­ed Princes Town po­lice as fam­i­ly mem­bers at­tend­ed to Adams’ wounds be­fore tak­ing her to the near­by Princes Town Dis­trict Health Fa­cil­i­ty.

The at­tack­er did not harm the grand­chil­dren. They were asleep and on­ly got up when they heard Adams’ cries.

The rel­a­tive said it ap­peared Adams got up to use the bath­room when the at­tack­er passed through an open back­door. As for the rea­son for the at­tack, she could not say, as Adams was a qui­et per­son who nev­er in­ter­fered with any­one. She said Adams does not go any­where.

While she said Adams is do­ing well, speak­ing and laugh­ing with fam­i­ly mem­bers, the in­ci­dent trau­ma­tised her chil­dren, who strug­gled to eat, trem­bled and cried fol­low­ing the in­ci­dent.

The T&T Po­lice Ser­vice coun­sel­lors are ex­pect­ed to vis­it the fam­i­ly to­day.

“It is not nice be­cause the per­son does not have a heart. They need God in their life, and to see an el­der­ly per­son like that, it is not nice to do a thing like that to some­body.”

With the num­ber of killings oc­cur­ring dai­ly, the rel­a­tive said au­thor­i­ties should re­move men­tal­ly ill peo­ple from so­ci­ety and put them some­where they can get help.

“Oh gosh! It is not nice. We need more of God in this coun­try, and I think that when peo­ple are ‘men­tal’ they need to take them out of so­ci­ety. Take them to a place and coun­sel them or some­thing. Do not leave them out­side to hurt some­body else.”

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