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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Hosein: Cleanup underway following flash flooding


1317 days ago

Min­is­ter of Rur­al De­vel­op­ment Kaz­im Ho­sein says that Dis­as­ter Man­age­ment Units have al­ready mo­bilised to clear de­bris and sed­i­ment fol­low­ing flash flood­ing in Port of Spain and En­vi­rons to­day. The fol­low­ing is a press re­lease from Min­is­ter of Rur­al De­vel­op­ment Kaz­im Ho­sein:

Ex­ces­sive rain­fall in the Port-of-Spain, Mar­aval and St. Anns re­gions to­day re­sult­ed in flash flood­ing, heavy sed­i­ments and de­bris be­ing brought down by the hy­dro me­te­o­ro­log­i­cal event. The Min­is­ter of Rur­al De­vel­op­ment and Lo­cal Gov­ern­ment, Sen­a­tor the Ho­n­ourable Kaz­im Ho­sein as­sures the pub­lic that the Dis­as­ter Man­age­ment Units have al­ready mo­bilised to clear the de­bris and sed­i­ments.

The Trinidad and To­ba­go Me­te­o­ro­log­i­cal Ser­vice (TTMS) in­di­cat­ed that the ad­verse weath­er ac­tiv­i­ty be­gan at 3:00pm to­day (Tues­day 3rd Au­gust, 2021) and last­ed for ap­prox­i­mate­ly forty five (45) min­utes dur­ing which time road­ways were ren­dered im­pass­able due to street flood­ing and high amounts of rub­ble.

Dis­as­ter Man­age­ment re­ports in­di­cat­ed the fol­low­ing ac­tiv­i­ty as­so­ci­at­ed with the ad­verse weath­er sys­tem:

Street flood­ing in the Port-of Spain re­gion in the ar­eas of

  *   City Gate
  *   West­ern Main Road
  *   Sea Lots
  *   Nel­son Street
  *   Mu­cu­rapo Road
  *   Ethel Street
  *   Long Cir­cu­lar Road
  *   Up­per Bournes Road

 Street flood­ing in the Diego Mar­tin re­gion in the ar­eas of

  *   Sad­dle Road
  *   An­dalu­sia
  *   La Sei­va

 Street flood­ing in the San Juan/Laven­tille re­gion in the ar­eas of

  *   St. Ann’s
  *   Cas­cade

For­tu­nate­ly, there have been no re­ports of in­jury or res­i­den­tial flood­ing at this time.

Ear­li­er to­day, Min­is­ter Ho­sein is­sued a call to all Cor­po­ra­tions that were not im­pact­ed to adopt an “all-of-cor­po­ra­tion” ap­proach to en­sure that their fel­low Cor­po­ra­tions which were af­fect­ed re­ceive the as­sis­tance need­ed by means of equip­ment and re­lief sup­plies.

Equip­ment and re­sources from the var­i­ous Mu­nic­i­pal Cor­po­ra­tions, CEPEP and the Min­istry of Works and Trans­port have al­ready been mo­bi­lized to as­sist with clear­ing of de­bris and sed­i­ments caused by the heavy rain­fall.

The Min­istry ad­vis­es that its Dis­as­ter Man­age­ment per­son­nel stand ready and equipped to mo­bi­lize and co­or­di­nate in the event of flood­ing and any oth­er haz­ards. Cit­i­zens are re­mind­ed to be pre­pared, stay up­dat­ed and to con­tact their re­spec­tive Dis­as­ter Man­age­ment Unit for sand­bags if need­ed pri­or to the ad­verse weath­er sys­tem.

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