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Thursday, February 13, 2025

La Brea to present six nominees for screening


1701 days ago
Former Public Utlities Minister Robert Le Hunte, right, speaks with former La Brea MP and government minister Hedwige Bereaux at the PNM’s screening of candidates at the party’s San Fernando office on Saturday.

Former Public Utlities Minister Robert Le Hunte, right, speaks with former La Brea MP and government minister Hedwige Bereaux at the PNM’s screening of candidates at the party’s San Fernando office on Saturday.


Gail Alexan­der

The PNM’s La Brea ex­ec­u­tive so far has six nom­i­nees - in­clud­ing two coun­cil­lors - to present for screen­ing on Sat­ur­day, ex­ec­u­tive chair­man Wayne Wood has said.

And for­mer favoured nom­i­nee ex-min­is­ter Robert Le Hunte has said he’s not­ed some of the nom­i­nees are very good ones.

La Brea is the last of the con­stituen­cies which PNM has to ob­tain a can­di­date for. Af­ter two failed at­tempts - and strong con­tin­ued sup­port for Le Hunte- ex­ec­u­tive mem­bers last week agreed they were open to new names.

Wood said nom­i­nees are Point Fortin coun­cil­lor Bri­ana For­tune-John and Pa­lo Seco coun­cil­lor Dana O’Neil Ger­vais. Oth­er nom­i­nees are North Cen­tral Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty board chair­man Steve De­las, Steven Mcletchie, Kar­la Sim­mons and at­tor­ney Ja­son Joseph.

A sev­enth nom­i­nee was ex­pect­ed to sub­mit nom­i­na­tion doc­u­ments, Wood said.

Wood said par­ty groups have vot­ed and so far De­las and Mcletchie had got­ten the first and sec­ond high­est num­bers of votes.

Le Hunte had ini­tial­ly com­mand­ed the sup­port of 16 of the 19 par­ty groups and had sup­port across the con­stituen­cy. Asked if he was back­ing or as­sist­ing any of the nom­i­nees, he said.

“As much as I of­fered my­self for La Brea as I felt cer­tain skills I have would have ben­e­fit­ted the con­stituen­cy, my hu­mil­i­ty will not al­low me to be­lieve that there are no oth­er peo­ple who pos­sess rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al skills for the area, so I’m look­ing on to see," he said.

"I’ve not­ed the nom­i­nees and I think some of them are some good ones and I’ll as­sist any­one of them in any way that I can when the screen­ing team makes its fi­nal de­ci­sion."

He was asked if PNM sup­port­ers would see him on the ground in the same way that de­feat­ed To­co nom­i­nee Ter­ry Ron­don has been walk­ing with new To­co can­di­date Roger Munroe. Le Hunte said, "That would de­pend on the can­di­date and the par­ty. But I con­tin­ue to have the best in­ter­est of La Brea at the fore­front of my mind and wher­ev­er I could play a role in go­ing for­ward in im­prov­ing lives of those in the area - I’m open."

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