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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Local Muslims come out in support of Palestine


Jensen La Vende
514 days ago

Hun­dreds of Mus­lims and Pales­tine sup­port­ers marched around the Queen’s Park Sa­van­nah yes­ter­day call­ing for peace be­tween Is­rael and Hamas as both sides con­tin­ue their at­tacks against each oth­er.

The march was or­gan­ised by the Is­lam­ic Mis­sion­ar­ies Guild of T&T led by Im­ti­az Mo­hammed. In his speech, Mo­hammed re­called the his­to­ry of the con­flict be­gin­ning when the Zion­ist Jews fled Eu­rope and were giv­en refuge in Pales­tine.

“Do you sup­port the ac­tions of Hamas? Do you recog­nise Hamas? Those are the kind of ques­tions that you get from the me­dia. Let me an­swer that ques­tion, one man’s ter­ror­ist is an­oth­er man’s free­dom fight­er” Mo­hammed told the crowd who gath­ered at Queen’s Park West.

Mo­hammed said the re­al pur­pose of the event was not to say whether or not there was sup­port for Hamas but rather the sol­i­dar­i­ty for Pales­tini­ans, which was re­spond­ed to with shouts of “Tak­bir” and “Al­lahu Ak­bar.”

Abraar Al­li of the Is­lam­ic Schol­ars Net­work told those who gath­ered that the march was about de­fend­ing what is right, even if it would mean stand­ing against one­self, as man­dat­ed by the Quran.

“We are straight­for­ward as truth-bear­ing peo­ple. We are rep­re­sent­ing the be­liev­ers. We stand up to what­ev­er is wrong, we will say it is wrong. We will al­ways let the truth be the guid­ing staff,” Al­li said.

On Oc­to­ber 7 in a sur­prise at­tack, Hamas bombed Is­rael as decades-long ten­sion be­tween the two con­tin­ued. The at­tack was seen as an act of war by Is­rael who re­spond­ed in kind and closed off ac­cess to wa­ter and elec­tric­i­ty to Pales­tini­ans liv­ing in Gaza and the West Bank.

As they marched, the sup­port­ers shout­ed “Free, free Pales­tine” and “Pales­tine will be free”.

From strollers to walk­ing canes, those in sup­port held signs that read “Ex­ist. Re­sist. Re­turn”, “Trinidad Stands with Pales­tine”, “This is not war this is geno­cide” and “End the il­le­gal oc­cu­pa­tion of Pales­tine, Trinidad for Pales­tine.”

Dur­ing the march, Guardian Me­dia spoke to ac­tivist Fuad Abu Bakr, who called for an im­me­di­ate in­ter­ven­tion to stop the blood­shed.

“In all jus­tice and fair­ness there is pro­por­tion­al­i­ty, and the re­tal­i­a­tion for the at­tack by Hamas has gone way be­yond what is pro­por­tion­ate and fair,” he said.

He added that the march­es in oth­er coun­tries in­clud­ing the US, Ger­many and Eng­land in sup­port of Pales­tine must be tak­en in­to con­sid­er­a­tion as the world is cry­ing out for jus­tice for Pales­tini­ans. He said the state­ments from Cari­com lead­ers fell short of con­demn­ing the ac­tions of Is­rael who he said have “ad­van­taged” Pales­tine.

“I pray that the Caribbean lead­ers com­ing out of a his­to­ry of slav­ery and in­den­ture­ship where we know what is ad­van­tage and where we know what it is to be ad­van­taged, I pray that they find the strength, the tes­tic­u­lar for­ti­tude to stand up and speak out and force the is­sue as much as pos­si­ble. Maybe small is­lands like we can lead the way in bring­ing jus­tice and pre­serv­ing hun­dreds of thou­sands of lives,” Abu Bakr said.

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