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Friday, March 21, 2025

Machel says playing in a band for Panorama on his bucket list


32 days ago
Machel Montano waves the flag for Trinidad All Stars Youth Steel Orchestra while they perform his calypso 'Magic Drum.'

Machel Montano waves the flag for Trinidad All Stars Youth Steel Orchestra while they perform his calypso 'Magic Drum.'

Anisto Alves

So­ca su­per­star Machel Mon­tano has an­oth­er ac­co­lade he wants to add to his al­ready full tro­phy cab­i­net.

He wants to per­form on the Sa­van­nah stage with a Steel­band for Panora­ma. 

He was speak­ing dur­ing TTT's broad­cast of the Panora­ma Se­mi Fi­nals af­ter Siparia Del­tones Steel Or­ches­tra per­formed.

" Of course, I have to play in a band on stage. This is my buck­et list. I want to be in the mid­dle of a band," Mon­tano said."

"I want to be in the mid­dle of it play­ing pan. I couldn't do it this year be­cause I have a Road March I look­ing out for,  I have a Chut­ney Monarch I look­ing out for,  I have a Ca­lyp­so Monarch I look­ing out for. I  have a lot of things go­ing on."

He didn't say which Steel­band he would join. 

Mon­tano does in fact have a lot go­ing on in Car­ni­val 2025. This is his first year com­pet­ing in the Chut­ney So­ca Monarch fi­nal. He goes up against a Chut­ney So­ca leg­end in his own right, Rik­ki Jai. 

"Rik­ki tell me he com­ing for the Road March. I say 'Rik­ki, a ten-time Road March cham­pi­on you want to beat? Now the ta­bles turned, he say, you want to beat a ten-time Chut­ney Monarch? It's all good fun. It's en­ter­tain­ing." 

Chut­ney So­ca Monarch Grand Fi­nals takes place on Sat­ur­day 1st March.

He'll al­so de­fend his Ca­lyp­so Monarch crown at Di­manche Gras on Sun­day 2nd March.

Mon­tano's "Pardy" is al­so a strong con­tender for Road March 2025.

CarnivalMachel MontanoInstagramPanorama

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