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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Man held moments after larcency at Chaguanas clothing store


910 days ago
FILE: Heavy traffic, vendors, and pedestrians on the busy Chaguanas Main Road.

FILE: Heavy traffic, vendors, and pedestrians on the busy Chaguanas Main Road.

Innis Francis

Po­lice at­tached to the Cen­tral Di­vi­sion Com­mu­ni­ty-Ori­ent­ed Polic­ing Sec­tion (COPS) ap­pre­hend­ed a lar­ce­ny sus­pect yes­ter­day af­ter­noon mere min­utes af­ter the al­leged crime.

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice re­ports on Au­gust 15, 2022, COPS of­fi­cers on foot pa­trol along the Ch­agua­nas Main Road were alert­ed and re­spond­ed to a cloth­ing store lo­cat­ed at Cor­ner Marie Street and Ch­agua­nas Main Road be­ing robbed.

The COPS of­fi­cers lat­er ob­served a sus­pect match­ing the de­scrip­tion of the sus­pect and ap­proached the man who be­gan act­ing sus­pi­cious­ly. Po­lice con­duct­ed a search of the man and al­leged­ly dis­cov­ered a quan­ti­ty of cash. He was lat­er pos­i­tive­ly iden­ti­fied.

The sus­pect was lat­er learnt to be a 44-year-old man, of Dass Trace, En­ter­prise, Ch­agua­nas, who was ar­rest­ed and hand­ed over to de­tec­tives of Ch­agua­nas Crim­i­nal In­ves­ti­ga­tions De­part­ment where he will un­der­go an iden­ti­fi­ca­tion pa­rade and trac­ing.

Charges are ex­pect­ed to be laid lat­er to­day.

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