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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Massy's Parisot-Potter on leave until January, official email no longer in use


436 days ago
Executive vice president, Business Integrity & Group General Counsel of the Massy Group of Companies Angelique Parisot-Potter

Executive vice president, Business Integrity & Group General Counsel of the Massy Group of Companies Angelique Parisot-Potter

Massy's Angélique Parisot-Pot­ter will be on leave un­til Jan­u­ary 12. Ac­cord­ing to a news­pa­per ad­ver­tise­ment, Massy re­vealed the out­spo­ken ex­ec­u­tive was sent on leave from De­cem­ber 20th un­til Jan­u­ary 12, 2024 "un­til the com­ple­tion of an in­ter­nal in­ves­ti­ga­tion."

Sources had pre­vi­ous­ly re­vealed the dates to Guardian Me­dia but it's the first time the com­pa­ny has pub­licly post­ed the in­for­ma­tion.

Fur­ther, Parisot-Pot­ter post­ed on so­cial me­dia that her of­fi­cial Massy email ad­dress is no longer in use.

"Dear all, my pre­vi­ous email ad­dress app@massy­ is no longer in use. Please use my new email ad­dress [ad­dress post­ed]. I look for­ward to stay­ing con­nect­ed in the com­ing year and I wish you all a Mer­ry Christ­mas and a Hap­py New Year. Best wish­es, Angélique," she post­ed.

Parisot-Pot­ter, Massy's Ex­ec­u­tive Vice Pres­i­dent, Busi­ness In­tegri­ty & Group Gen­er­al Coun­sel faces an in­ves­ti­ga­tion be­cause of her con­duct at the group’s 100th an­nu­al gen­er­al meet­ing, which was held at the Hilton Trinidad on Mon­day.

Parisot-Pot­ter told the meet­ing that she felt oblig­ed to speak up about the com­pa­ny's spend­ing of USD for lead­er­ship train­ing in Flori­da, as de­tailed in a 13-page doc­u­ment, in­clud­ing au­dio ev­i­dence, that had pre­vi­ous­ly been shared with the Massy CEO and pres­i­dent, Ger­vase Warn­er.

“Their bizarre rit­u­als in­clude that they can train Massy em­ploy­ees to com­mu­ni­cate with the dead and that at­ten­dees can self heal with ‘white light en­er­gy,” she said at the meet­ing.


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